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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. Toharsu? I thought you had a Suzi?
  2. I had a cod like that once and I'm still waiting for it to come back.
  3. Is that Andy from Poole? A friend of mine booked the whole boat before x'mas and they didn't have much luck anchered over a wreck for conger.
  4. Looks at least a regalss and gelcoat on the bottom pic. Are there any more cracks?
  5. I saw the Texas at the Soton boat show, I thought it's quite a nice boat, very family friendly, but a tad expensive compare to QS and the rest. If I remember right, the hull is different to the rests. It's more like a .... Mike's boat, can't remember the name, than a Warrior, it has the modified v, so apparently it plane better.
  6. Let me guess..... only one of them is a Jenneave boat and the rest are Arvor, Beneteau, MG,...... lookalike?!
  7. What the hell..... they can't clamp us
  8. Ah, but then you are just moving the natural frquency of the boat to a different range, when the rev increases/descreses, it will catch up with it later, however, it might be at a rev you don't use so it's worth a try.
  9. Newboy


    Are you sure that is what you want? Best of both world sounds good on paper, but will it work in reality? I used to have a Sheltie Suntrip, in between a 535 and the chopped boat above. It had a larger deck than a 535 but still with a V berth which my 7 & 5 (at the time) could sleep in. I didn't carry them in the cabin as the were sick first time out riding in a confined space with small windows, they didn't have any problems riding on the deck tho. All the (smaller) Shetland boats have one drawback, the freeboard is rather low, not to mention the stern is even lower than the sides, a 3 yers old would have no problems falling over the side. One way to overcome this is to fit guard rails alround. Make sure all small children wear an auto lifejacket at all time, so if they fall over, at least they would be afloat awaiting rescue.
  10. Fitting should be a piece of P. All you do is pull a cord thru when you pull out the old one and then attach the cord to the new one and pull thru.
  11. Thx Rich. They are still catching bass down Portland, not the number they were but Lady Godiva had 12 yesterday.
  12. How do we work out slack water at/around portland bill? With most areas, slack water comes at either high or low water. But because of the bill sticking out so far off shore, it disrupts the natural tidal flow.
  13. But how much do they charge for p&p on a 5kg bruce copy. the 5kg on postage alone is
  14. That bl00dy spiderman pi**ed me off.....
  15. I think it's here: Ajay's
  16. It's next to a bridge...... honestly, don't know the street, go into southampton from Eastleigh airport turn off. The left turn after the no entry under railway arch left turn, sign posted Bittern. A jay is on the right just before the bridge, there are some street parking, the place looks like a bomb site, more like a derelict than a shop.
  17. Newboy


    Not quite sure I understood your questions probably, but here it goes: 1) Depending on what you are targeting, different tide will suit different fish, i.e., you want big tides for bass and smaller tides for congers. 2) Where are you launching from? Cobbs is all tidal range, baiter is more or less all tidal range, I believe it goes onto hard ground below the ramp. Lymington is again 90% all tidal, bottom of ramp is usable except there's a slight drop off (about 3-4inch) at the bottom.
  18. Just how long is the net? It looks it's big enought o net a marlin....
  19. I think Ajay in Soton sells a 5kg bruce (copy) for
  20. I'll pop in if the shop isn't too busy.
  21. Anyone else in the club has a Suzi 70?
  22. If you use http://www.pbsbac.co.uk/forums/index.php as your fav for the forum rather than the .....co.uk/forums, it comes uo fine. All you need to do is go to your fav, right click on the forum name, choose property, and edit the http.
  23. Newboy

    Submit Story Page

    Adam? A good party was it, Jack?
  24. Happy Birthday Wishing you a fruitful year.
  25. Newboy

    Crew Needed

    Is Andy sitting down? *tat* bloody fair weather fisherman.....
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