It's OK Paul - I was just having a general rant about inshore commercial fishing.
Information should be held as to the where, what and when, as well as breeding seasons etc.
Hopefully this would be used to ensure that areas are protected for future generations. But still nothing is being done to curb the commercials from taking juvenile and possibly protected species. Or as has been documented, pair trawlers catching tons of breeding bass in the western approaches. Who is going to stop that!
Next time you are in Poole just look at the Greenslades fish merchants - near to the ferry terminal - and check out the sizes and types of fish they sell!
Look at the numbers of crabs and lobsters for sale - most of the pots are filled with flounders trawled / netted in the harbour as pot bait. Thats why Flounders are not as common in the Harbour as once they were!
Rant over........again!