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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Neal

  1. Just a reminder for all those desperate to wet a line! The Castaways Annual Flounder Comp is this coming Sunday. Book in at either the Parkstone Shop or the Hamworthy Shop before 5pm Saturday Entrance fee
  2. Are we planning on having a stand this year? Neal
  3. Neal

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday Peter "Don't know how old I am but when I were a lad boats were made of wood and the outboard was slung over your shoulder at the beginning and end of the day! Mind you there were still fish close to the shore." Yes I remember those days as well - my old man made me do the carrying! I also rememember you had to stay close to the shore because they were so bloody unreliable! Ah.........those halcyon days. Neal
  4. I saw this and wondered if this weekends flounder comp could end up like this if the weather continued....................... Health and safety considerations............. and no uptiding! Yes - these people are fishing
  5. Neal

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday PJ Hope you still have a great day - perhaps you should postpone it untill you can next go fishing!!! That should take a few days / years off! Neal
  6. Poole Sea Angling Centre Cod Comp is postponed until Jan 10th Is it safe to assume that our comp is also off Neal
  7. Neal


    Merry Christmas Everybody And a Happy New Year to all Neal
  8. Court Jester will be out again - and I think I know just where to go this time following my trip last wednesday! Have crew all lined up - just remains for them to stay sober. Weather forecast looks a bit iffy...........would rather keep this cold weather than the wind and rain forecast. Neal
  9. 1.) Adam F 2.) Alun J. 3.) Zed 4) Neal 5)John Young
  10. Neal

    Happy Birthday

    Thanks guys Just got back from a cracking days fishing on Crimson Tide - with Fred Smith, Tom Smith and Eric. We fished the car park - although it was fairly empty for a change! 5 Cod - biggest 24lb numerous conger and surprisingly very few dogs or pout. lovely boat - great banter - cracking weather and bagged a cod! Marvelous Neal
  11. Just in case people are planning trips this weekend Remember it's the Cod comp this Sunday - 13th Hopefully................... Neal
  12. Wow.................. What a surpise to read that I have won such a fantastic prize! The raffle was for such a worthwhile cause and I am glad that so many people supported it. I now feel guilty that I was unable to attend the actual Kayak meet. and I still think you are all a bunch of absolutely crazy nutters and welcome one and all to the club! Neal
  13. Neal

    looking for a dory

    I had one of these as well - mine had a 70hp Yamaha engine on the back.............. Opened up on a flat calm sea ..................... Great fun at the helm - god help anyone else on-board. Good luck Mark in your hunt fo one - but you can only fish on a limited number of occasions when you have very little wind. Perhaps a small Boston Whaler would be better - probably more stable! Neal
  14. Happy Birthday Rob Have a great day Neal
  15. Neal

    Dolpin Slaughter

    Also barbaric http://media.causes.com/490671?p_id=57097087 Why do we allow such things to take place Neal
  16. Neal


    I wonder if it's my Daiwa Spinning Rod with Shimano Torium reel, last seen attached to a very large Tope in Alderney.............. Perhaps it followed me back with the intent of returning my prized possessions! won't hold my breath though Neal
  17. I will be leaving Cobbs Quay around 7.20am tomorrow a.m. to catch the 7.30 Bridge lift. If you want to follow me out I am more than happy for you to join me. Depending on what you want to target - then I can give some advice (as long as you don't want to try for Sole!) I will be stopping in front of Brownsea Castle to catch some live/dead bait and then going to fish a relatively inshore wreck - followed by either an early attempt for cod or plonking the anchor down on some mixed ground to see what is still around! Returning for the 4.30 bridge If you fancy any of that give me shout on the VHF or see you at Cobbs / or by the lifting bridge Or if you want to come along on board to see how it should not be done! - I have room for a couple! Neal
  18. Neal

    New species

    Thailand it is........ And very quick identification.........looks like some of you have been around a bit! I was just testing how to post full size pictures within text as most (all!) other members seem to be able to. (Thanks Charlie) Full catch report with more pictures may follow! Neal
  19. Neal

    New species

    New species help appreciated please Anyone want to guess where caught? neal
  20. Neal

    Cod mark

    Without giving too much away.............look at the first picture on the home page of "Young Adam with a Bass" The Cliffs in the Background and the near proximity of most of Poole's charter fleet that don't head off to the Isle of Wight - may give a better clue as to where the winter fish are targeted! Neal
  21. Neal


    Salter Scales - find on www.dialrack.co.uk Special Offer to club members Mechanical Suspended scales 5 Kg x 20g (11lb x 1 oz) 10 Kg x 50g (22lb x 2 oz) 25 Kg x 100g (56lb x 4 oz) 50 Kg x 200g (110lb x 8oz) 100 Kg x 500Kg (220lb x 1lb) Electronic - Suspended - Balance 10 Kg x 0.01Kg (22lb x 0.02 lb) 25 Kg x 0.02Kg (55lb x 0.02 lb) 45 Kg x 0.05Kg (99lb x 0.1lb)
  22. Neal


    And if you want a new set of scales............ http://www.dialrack.co.uk on-line shop for Salter Scales oil absorbent kits Fish boxes and loads more Or talk to me Neal Edited to make link live
  23. Instead of just donating a sum of money - how about using an agreed amount to "sponsor" individuals membership For example...and only a suggestion Free membership for juniors when joining the club fish of the month = Free membership competition winner = free membership All one year only, and a one off prize This would then pehaps encourage more individuals to join up! To be discussed I am sure at a club meeting
  24. Happy Birthday Paul Neal
  25. Happy Birthday Mick Hope you managed a day out fishing Neal
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