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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Neal

  1. Tom, all comments again tongue in cheek........refer to your previous post when night fishing out of Weymouth for congers! I am glad for Tom or anyone else who capture a record fish for Club or otherwise. I too am surprised that the Club Conger record is "only" 67lb - but I also bet it will not last very long - with Alfresco and one of it's crew bettering it time and again. As Charlie say's he loves fishing for them - most people probably don't. Once again well done to you Tom and all that targeted and got near or over specimen sized fish last weekend - the list is impressive. Neal
  2. Try talking to your local tackle shop as well - you will probably find that you can pay cheaper prices if you are prepared to buy in bulk - such as 100 Zip Sliders at a time 100 swivels various sizes 100 Hooks in various sizes These items are rarely on show - but are broken down from bulk packs to what you see. Most of the charter skippers buy locally - if you don't ask you won't get! If you do ask, you may be surprised at what deals can be had. The more we use the Poole Bay name - the more likely discounts will be given. Saves time and expense if you are going in anyway. Neal
  3. and all this from someone who declares not to be competitive! not to bother weighing fish - just guess them at the side of the boat! and can't usually be bothered with the club competitions! however, just the merest whiff of a cash prize................................. Tom, now we know your true colours!!!! Could be an expensive round at the next meeting. oh and congratulations on a couple of cracking fish. Neal
  4. Neal


    Happy Birthday Simon Haven't seen you for a while Hope you can make the next meeting Neal
  5. 1) Adam F - Bass - 9lb 12oz 2) Alun J 3) Paul Jennings - nothing wieghed, tope circa 35lb 4) Charlie Chapman 5) Dan Chapman 6) Jon Parker (Soleman) 7) Colin Francis - Bream - 2lb 2oz 8) Bobi Francis - Garfish - 1lb 9) Gordon Holt 10) Terry Bartell 11) Dean 12) Martin 13) Paul F 14) Paul D 15) Dave Evans - Ling - 22lb 16) Peter Senior 17) Duncan Mackie 18) Neal Sturt - Spotted Ray 4lb 19)Craig/Gas 20) andy garrett - bass- 7llb8oz 21)Will Summerell 22)Stuart Summerell 23)Helen D ( Webmistress ) 24) Allan Mac 25)Rupe Morrall 26)Carl Hurren 27)Aaron Murray 28) Tom Bettle - Conger Eel - 67lb
  6. Neal

    Poole B&B's

    Adam Premier Inn on Cabot Lane - Summer Special - rooms from
  7. 1) Adam F 2) Alun J 3) Paul Jennings 4) Charlie Chapman 5) Dan Chapman 6) Jon Parker (Soleman) 7) Colin Francis 8) Bobi Francis 9) Gordon Holt 10) Terry Bartell 11) Dean 12) Martin 13) Paul F 14) Paul D 15) Dave Evans 16) Peter Senior 17) Duncan Mackie 18) Neal Sturt
  8. Happy Birthday Charlie, I hope you have a great day. Neal
  9. I can only fish on Saturday and it appears that my regular crew are unavailable. Anyone fancy a day out? Neal
  10. Neal


    Happy Birthday Sam "Rock on" Neal
  11. Neal


    Court Jester will be heading that way on Sunday....... Sounds like a few of us heading south. Good luck to all. Neal
  12. Hi Mick, Try about 50ft to the South of your last session on Christchurch Ledge and groundbait at slack water - use squid mackeral all chopped up with plain boiled rice - should keep the bream nearby!! See Pm for another suggestion - can't give all the marks away. Neal
  13. We joined the Poole Bream Comp and with reports that further west wasn't fishing!!(somebody lied) - we went to join a few of the club boats in Christchurch Ledge. Went close to Alun Jones - he who knows where the fish are! A relatively slow start but after re-anchoring a steady sream of 1 1/2 - 2lb Bream came aboard - all males except one spawning female which went straight back. Kept a couple each - slipped the rest back to get bigger for next year. Added a couple of species to the tally - a very nice day out and no lost rods!!! Neal
  14. Mark Winfield 2lb - 1oz Neal 1lb 12oz John Young 1lb 12oz
  15. 1.) Alun J 2.) Paul Frey 3.) Will Summerall 4.) Jonathan Summerall 5.) Stuart Summerall 6.) Pete Russell Snr 7.) Colin 8.) Bobi 9.) Charlie C 10.) Dan C 11.) Neal Sturt 12.) Allan Mac 13.) Rupert M 14) John Young 15.) Dave Evans 16.) Jim Davies 17.) Gordon Holt 18.) Chris Gould 19.) Martin B 20.) Dean B 21.) Charlie A 22.) Aaron M 23.) Trevor W 24.) Simon Larman 25.) Paul Dore 26.) Tony Devine 27.) Paul J 28) Mark Winfield
  16. Adam, 1.) Alun J 2.) Paul Frey 3.) Will Summerall 4.) Jonathan Summerall 5.) Stuart Summerall 6.) Pete Russell Snr 7.) Colin 8.) Bobi 9.) Charlie C 10.) Dan C 11.) Neal Sturt 12.) Allan Mac 13.) Rupert M 14) John Young
  17. Who was it? I spoke to someone at the meeting last night who was looking to crew on Sunday in the Bream Comp. (Bad short term memory - senility creeping on) PM me and I will check to see if the place is still available. Cheers Neal
  18. Also note it is the Poole Sea Angling Centre / Poole Dolphins Annual Bream Comp as well as our own! Lets see if we can do as well as last year as a club! I seem to remember something about a B B Q and weigh in at Baiter Check details on Dolphins site or Poole Sea Angling site I will be fishing either way - assuming my boat is fixed.........don't like running it with gear box oil leaking everywhere! Neal
  19. Hi Mick, The male fish have a bright blue band running across the head, above the mouth. However, I have read recently that after the females lay their eggs, the male fish guard the nest. So are we being responsible by taking the male fish, which then leaves a nest of eggs to be eaten by predators. In a bit of a quandry over this one as I always return the females but take the odd male or two. Perhaps someone else can add to this. Anyway - good luck on your bream fishing when you do get down. Neal
  20. Ok - I'm in!!! Looking forward to it as well........... Court Jester with 3 on-board looking to leave Cobbs to get under the bridge at 6.30am Friday Neal
  21. Definately a Ballan Wrasse - also known as a "Rock Fish" - I should know!!!! http://web.ukonline.co.uk/aquarium/index.html useful website for fish identification sorry - just clicked on your named fish and it went to aquarium site Neal
  22. What a struggle that was..................... No matter what we tried or where we went, nothing seemed interested in our baits. Looks like we would have been better off sat on Poole Patch all day! Final Result Neal - 4 Wrasse, 2 Pout, 1 Dogfish - 24 Points John Young - 4 Wrasse, 2 Dogfish - 14 Points Mark Winfield - 4 Wrasse, 2 Dogfish - 14 Points Neal
  23. I found this old one........only the contact details may have changed. http://www.pbsbac.co.uk/score.xls Neal
  24. I also have a dingy .......................and this year I will be tying it on!!!! Neal
  25. and if you change the location to Alderney.................. http://www.metcheck.com/V40/UK/FREE/14days...ipcode=Alderney Neal
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