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Everything posted by plaicemat

  1. plaicemat

    Vhf Ariels

    Strange how catching things are. Mine has done the same, losing the end cap AND my PBSBAC pennant. So, I need a new aerial and a flag. Bu@@er! Must speak to that nice Mrs. Wedger about a replacement. Terry.
  2. I lost my Rich 'top secret' weight when mackereling off the Needles. I wonder where I can get more from? Terry.
  3. plaicemat

    Prop Sox

    Got myself a set of Prop Sox from the ad in BFM for
  4. However, it does make recovery a whole lot easier. Terry.
  5. Well, that's the travelling over until half term. Now I can look forward to a bit of quality fishing. Oh, Oh! Just checked the met for the coming week; not much sunshine in there, then. Could be o/k if I don't mind getting a bit damp. Anyone else planning to get out in the near future? Terry.
  6. Right, that's my 8th Oktoberfest done and dusted and, as usual, it was great. Naturally, I told Dilys it was not as much fun with a load of mates as when she comes along (waiting the imminent arrival of a lightning bolt from the heavens). Now, after getting back home at 02.00 this morning, I've just enough time to put some clothes through the laundry system and repack before leaving for some partridge scaring and salmon fishing in Scotland at 13.30. It's a hectic life but, I don't mind, as long as my efforts to put food on the table are appreciated! See you all soon. Terry.
  7. Just to let you all know, I have been quality testing the beer here at the Munich Oktoberfest for three days and everything seems to be up to standard. Need to come home for a rest! Terry.
  8. Absolutely! Crossing on the ferry at crack of who cares tomorrow and will be on over the mark in Munchen on Thursday evening. After that, I don't give a toss about the fish until 7th October. Then I'll be there, with bells on. See you all soon. Terry
  9. As I am now not leaving for Munich until Tues a.m., I had 2 choices in todays fine weather; gardening or go fishing - fishing won! My son, Guy, and I were at Wick by 08.30 with the intention of trying to catch enough mackerel to last me through the winter for bait. On a flat, calm sea, we enjoyed a flat out dash for the Needles and struggled for mackerel until I remembered my secret spot. No sooner had I stopped the engine than we were pulling macky over the side. Some were joeys so I put them in the bait tank in case we fancied a go at the bass. Soon got bored with feathering so decided to have a drift for bass to break the monotony. 2 bass later and all thoughts of winter bait were forgotten. S@d it, I'll pay for the damn things. We continued to fish with quite a few fish lost, some very good ones. I put this down to using treble hooks for the first time and choosing a size which was too small. Never mind, I'll get it right next time. Unfortunately a nasty little wind crept up with the tide and things got very uncomfortable so then endured a slower ride back to Hengitsbury head. Strange, after Adams comments, coming through the very broken water round the shallows near the groyne at Hengitsbury en route back to Wick, we were picked up by a huge wave and the bow was dumped under water. For a moment, I thought it wasn't going to come up again, but eventually, up she popped. Of course, the anchor locker was inundated and we had to wait for it to drain. I'll try not to get caught like that, again. I'm now away until the 8th October when I presume all the mackerel will be gone. Guess I'll have to wait for the whiting. How long do the bass loiter around? Still, enjoyed a nice fresh mackerel salad before I tackle the slaughter house cuisine of Southern Germany. Terry.
  10. Well done, that man! Terry. Area Roving Rep at PBSBAC.
  11. Martin, did you manage to follow up the lead with Steve Walker of J.K. Max Navigation? If so, what was the outcome. Terry.
  12. plaicemat


    At least with Stingray in the drive, I should hear the alarm go off if anyone tries to interfere with her. I had bad experiences with trot moorings in Holes bay and vowed never to go back to that situation (big lottery win excepted)! Terry
  13. You're all welcome. Terry.
  14. I think you'd find it would take someone more proficient than me to appreciate the difference as I currently use a Lowrance 3500 and that does everything I want from a chartplotter. I am very impressed with it and feel that a system any more sophisticated would be wasted on me. I'm not a salty sea dog but an amateur coastal potterer and these units get me where I want to be every time. I can't imagine what these other units could do that would benefit me. Charlie, perhaps, being a pro. Terry.
  15. Rats! I went too early. Terry.
  16. Thanks for your input, Bob, it's nice to get some knowledgeable feedback which supports my choice. Unfortunately, I'll be inScotland for the next meeting but may try to get a personal lesson from you sometime. Thank you Martin, that explains all. Still not sure of the relevance, though, but I am probably not knowledgeable enough on the subject to recognise the difference between shoddy toys and the 'right stuff'. Or am I just being patronised, in the nicest possible way. No offence taken! Terry.
  17. plaicemat


    Christchurch again! I'd be getting paranoid. Terry.
  18. ? Terry.
  19. Simon, Dave and Paul J, Alun Jones has your berley bombs so contact him re collection. Dave and Paul, you can send a cheque for
  20. Well, I'd certainly consider this one as it has a 7" screen as opposed to the 5" on the models like the 3500 and is as user friendly as the other models. The only difference between the Lowrance and Eagles is the depth range - the Eagle is only good down to 1000ft! Have a chat with the young Silva chap on the stand, I think his name was Steve. He's the absolute dogs whatsits on using the units. They've bought a company boat and he spends his spare time out on the water practically testing the units whilst fishing. Ask him for the details of downloading a day's traces so you can analyse them and save the co-ordinates of interesting looking sonar pictures. I was confused about this previously but he makes it all very simple. Terry.
  21. Aluns best (I think)
  22. Tried this once already and it didn't work. Three PB's for me as I have never caught a blonde ray before and they started with the smallest and got bigger. 61/2lb, 14lb and 161/2lb. Thanks, again, Alun for your good company and for, once again, putting me up at Chez Jones. Right, lets try again for some pictures!
  23. Having had a fun day at the boat show on Monday with Reg, et al, I went to the Silva stand (who are the importers of Lowrance and Eagle fishfinders((same thing, different name on case and made by Lowrance)) and managed a deal on an Eagle Fishstrike 2000C combination, list price
  24. 08.00 from Baiter. I think probably
  25. Berley Bombs have arrived for Gordon, Simon, Dave and Paul J. I'll bring them down on Sunday. Terry.
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