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Manic Moore

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Everything posted by Manic Moore

  1. Need crew or can crew for Sunday, I'm getting a complex now chaps, put me out of my misery and try the fishing on Enticer
  2. Yozurri for heavier tackle ? Can't find that one on any of the sites Billy
  3. I guess you would be looking to target bream or bass?
  4. Anyone fancy joining up for the 48 hour? Maybe rays or conger? Need crew or will crew. Sat or Sunday Regards Gordon
  5. I got one for my last boat off ebay Gordon
  6. Thanks Brian, it looks like the antenna connection was a bit grubby and after polishing with some fine emery paper it appears to have worked Regards Gordon
  7. Can anyone advice Since I've had the boat (2 years) the radio has worked fine. Just the last 2 or 3 trips I have been picking up a huge amount of static from the sounder. The noise almost goes as soon as someone transmits in range. It is also intermitant, occasionaly it clears for a few minutes then comes back for no apparant reason? Anyone any ideas? Regards Gordon
  8. I was out today on my own (going to have to check my deoderant!) struggled to catch mackerell (8 in 2 1/2 hours )but landed 4 bass to 5lb all on the same rod. Same tackle, line, hooks and bait, same hands putting the bait on and the other rod didn't get a touch Gordon
  9. I'm going to do an early morning bass hunt tomorrow on the ledge, (5 am launch)anyone interested in crewing give me a call on the mobile 07801146799 Regards Gordon
  10. Neal It sounds that you have the same problem I had with mine. It appeared to have the memory effect. Charge it all day, it appears to be fully charged, use it for 5 minutes and its flat. Even if the alternator was draining the battery although that would be a new one, try swapping the batteries over. I think you just need a new battery mate Regards Gordon
  11. With the 48 hour comp next week end, 2 multi day week ends I have been unable to negotiate
  12. Spawney gits! there's your answer
  13. The worse one is when you get up at the crack of dawn to go fishing, the rain is lashing on the window and the wife says "you must be mad" and turns over. You get all your gear ready go to get the boat out and you think....... She's right, I'm not going out in this. All the gear away, back indoors, undress slip back into bed and saying "that weather is absolutely terrible" And the wife replys..............."yes and my stupid bloody husband has gone fishing in it"
  14. Isn't it amazing how the commercial boys are suddenly supporting the scientists point of view!!!
  15. I will be crewing for Will Summerill on 50/50 along with his son Johnathon Gordon
  16. As you say Bob, there doesn't seem to be a case for them
  17. Rusty sherifs badge
  18. "That engine's back firing a bit!" "What do you mean I havn't started it yet"!
  19. OOOOOOOOOhhhh, Enticer................
  20. Looks great. Remember lads, "measure twice, cut once" Give me a shout if you need any extra labour Best of Luck and knowing the speed Adam works at we'll see you for the 48 hour comp then Gordon
  21. Last year we ran a trip to Utopia for a day on the smuts and tope. Unfortunately the weather turned just after midday and spoilt what could have been a good trip. We have heard that both species are in so I am suggesting we make another trip and the next best tide would be either Saturday 31st May or Sunday 1st June. If anyone interested in going would like to register their interest below and I will organise times and slip ways etc Enticer, Gordon + AN other
  22. Thats very kind of you
  23. East North East
  24. I am up for fishing but waiting for crew. But will crew if anyone will have me. I have also had an email from Craig of the Burnham club who have asked to fish, I have said more than welcome but weather is not looking great. Met office 3 to 4 increasing 5 to 7 although Windguru max 14 knots
  25. Before we put it back can you get my 1/0 Aberdeen back
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