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Manic Moore

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Everything posted by Manic Moore

  1. As a new owner of a warrior 165 and a previous owner of a lighter boat, I would say although the 165 is heavier it is probably easier to get on and off the trailer. would replace the back two middle rollers with nylon ones and you will find it easier still. Don't try and float the boat on the trailer, as you are more likely to get the boat sliping off the rollers and damage the keel. You only need the rear swinging arm just under the water and she will wynch onto the trailer in knee deep water. If you are planning to push the trailer with boat over sand I would suggest getting an inflatable jockey wheel as the outfit wieghs over a ton and those skinny hard wheels will dig into the sand. I would certainly recommend the 165 as a great boat although the slightly bigger engine is worth the expence (75 horse on the 165 and 60 on the 150) as the power to weight works far better. Good luck Gordon
  2. Tom Thanks for the offer. I need something permenant so do you have a price in mind (it is a 6' I need) give me a pm Regards Gordon
  3. Andy If you are thinking of a trip one night, I would be keen to crew or buddy, you will have to tell me what tackle to bring Regards Gordon
  4. I am looking to fish the ray comp on Sunday (unless its reduced to flounder bashing) Anyone fancy a trip out on Enticer? Newbies welcome Give me a call or PM me 07801146799 Regards Gordon
  5. Thanks Terry Thats given me a steer, I have Googled and it looks like a poece of upvc gravel board or a window sill as the soffets and clading are all solid. I will look about now and see what I can find Regards Gordon
  6. I tried the local car spares shop and they only do complete boards and don't do the 6' boards either. Are you aware that they supply blank boards? My first option is to find a piece of the same plastic and make a new one from my electrics Gordon
  7. I managed to damage the end of my trailer board when turning around in the dark It is only the plastic that has broken and I only need to transfer my old lights over to a new board. Does anyone know where you can get this plastic board from? is it used in other applications? Or does anyone have a spare 6' trailer board gathering dust that they would like to despose / sell off? Regards Gordon
  8. Manic Moore


    A man staggered into a hospital with a concussion, multiple bruises, two black eyes, and a five iron wrapped tightly around his throat. Naturally, the Doctor asked him,"What happened to you?" Well, I was having a quiet round of golf with my wife, when at a difficult hole, we both sliced our balls into a cow pasture. We went to look for them and while I was looking around I noticed one of the cows had something white at its rear end. I walked over, lifted its tail, and sure enough, there was a golfball with my wife's monogram on it - stuck right in the middle of the cow's bum. Still holding the cow's tail up, I yelled to my wife, "Hey, this looks like yours!" "I don't remember much after that ...
  9. Sam tells me you were so excited when he saw you that you were struggling to talk I wonder if I can get the FPO fishing for Bass.............
  10. Anyone fancy crewing tomorrow? We will have to be up early, launch no later then 5.00 / 5.30 to get through the run or it will mean launching at 9ish when the best bass fishing will be done. Any takers? Give me a buzz on 07801146799
  11. Yes friday was looking great. (Why is it that the fish don't realise what an ideal evening it was. Or did they!) Battery trouble first off so by the time we got out to Hengesbury the light was fading but decided to trawl and scratched out a dozen Macy for bait. We then settled down on the ledge. Other than the morris dancers on Neo it proved very quiet with me catching a conger about 15lb. We then decided to fish the last of the ebb on another mark. Loads of doggies. Then at 4am we tried one more mark where Will picked up a 30ish and I dropped another. The night couldn't have been better (well if the fishing had been better it could have!) flat calm, moon, fire work display. We cruised back into Mudeford about 7.30am and then cat napped for the rest of the day on the settee
  12. Will Summerill is going
  13. Anyone fancy a night session for the conger. Friday night is looking good. I'm thinking of on the ledge, maybe launch about 6.30pm ish fresh macy couple of bass drifts then fish the ebb until the early hours
  14. I am moving my batteries to the front of the boat and also adding a couple isolation switches. I have all the components I need but to put on a couple of spade ends to the battery cable I need the use of a crimper. Is there anyone who can help either to lend or crimp my ends or who knows of a cheap source to buy one. Thanks Gordon
  15. If so gordon found the plastic can
  16. As I can't fish the comp this Sunday and the weather looks good, anyone fancy a day out tomorrow, I'm thinking Kimmeridge, possible a few rays if we can find them on the banks or there are one or two wrecks for pollock or maybe a conger or two if the divers are elswhere Give me a buzz 07801146799 and let me know and I can get the boat ready
  17. Pick you up at half past four?
  18. I am going to have another go at the bass again this Saturday, the tides are still good and I thought maybe a real early start before the boat traffic starts. Anyone fancy a day out? Post or give me a call Gordon Or if some one happened to be going out and wanted me to crew.. say Aquafresh or someone
  19. Hi Les, Tuesday for me Shall we go on yours this time? Although any problems and mine will be fine. Should be able to get out over the bar by 7.00am. What had you in mind? Regards Gordon
  20. Sneaking off work again on Tuesday as there is a few calmer days, bigish tides though, so thought I might go double figure bass hunting. Will need crew though, anyone fancy a try?
  21. I thought that Paul
  22. The tide wednesday is is non existant and weather looks like a 3 to 4 northerly at the moment. I have some time off from work from lunch time, does anyone fancy crewing for a crack at the club conger record, I have a few numbers for one or two wrecks out of christchurch, anyone fancy it?
  23. And you hardly look 65 as well
  24. Unfortunately I will not make the comp this Sunday, with 3 consecutive Sundays fishing I am now pushing the Husband / wife / Divorse / doghouse envelope a little too far. But As she's working I still might be able to sneak out Saturday
  25. Well we were all prepared for a day further afield for the bass comp, I arrived at Adams for 6.30 and we were ready to launch at 10 past 7. Crunch went the prop as Adam was concentrating on that misfire on the Honda. As it was a little breezy and uncertain on the long term reliability of the engine (not a 4 stroke knock) we decided to stay on the ledge and surrounding area. Soon found the Macki (thanks Alun) when you found them they were in quantity but in isolated patches. The tail of the flood saw a 3lb 8oz bass on the boat to me, I thought thats my lot for the day. Adam then abliged by swinging in a small one about 1lb 8oz. We then struggled untill the tide started to ebb in ernist withy only Adam getting 3 attempts by the same fish but would not stay on. I then landed a small one about 2lb or so but fought harder than the first one. Next drift I had a nice fish on my old barble rod which put up a cracking fight and took the scales to 6lb 5oz. We then decided to make a push for home so as not to push our luck with the Honda to far. Tough day for Adam with a split prop and engine trouble always is stressful but we think we have narrowed it down to a faulty plug or lead on one of the cylinders so hopefully an easy fix. I needed a day like today to get my confidence back with some of the meager trips Ive had. Thanks for the invite Adam, good company as usual and I'm sure you will get your own back in the not to distant future Oh and the 3lber went down well for tea
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