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Manic Moore

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Everything posted by Manic Moore

  1. Hi Tomo A friend of mine has one in that range, the graphics are good and it has a reasonably good range of features. The thing that would stop me buying one is the lack of intuativeness of the software. My Garmin I picked up straight away but despite several trips on his boat I always have to work hard at remembering the menues and get frustrated at the lack of short cuts for even the normal menues you use on every trip, that are very much part of the Garmin's appeal. Also most of the menues are navigated via a thumb pad which never seems to be very precise, again the garmin is more a mixture of the thumb pad and buttons. It may be that it requires a bit more study of the instruction manual (not a method I use, like most blokes, fiddle around and when you have to admit defeat, then look in the book) I guess getting your hands on the different styles will ultimately guide your descision Good luck Gordon
  2. Enticer will be out with Alun "Fishing Supremo" Jones possibly crewing.
  3. The beast is out there - and I caught it!
  4. Manic Moore


    I think I would have done the same Duncan
  5. MMM 10lb I think
  6. "If I let my hair grow will you marry me"
  7. Thanks Charlie That was Mike's first conger and biggest ever fish Could you email me the originals, as I'm such a vain bugger I like to keep a few pics Regards Gordon
  8. My call for crew threw up Mike02380 a new forum member just moved to the area and looking to buy a boat in the months ahead and I suggested he join the club now as he's a keen fisherman and turned out to be good company & crew. Funny enough quite a Warrior convert So anyone need crew Mike's work means he gets regular mid week days off and is dead keen. (Although you will have to watch him as he doesn't respect that first rule of not catching more than the skipper!) Paul, maybe your first job as Chair person is get that written up in the new rules? Anyway, Will slipped out of Kimmeridge about 8ish and tried one of the local reefs close in but conditions were difficult due to the cross wind with no tide, we couldn't hold our position or stay on the ground bait. Mike showed me up by catching 1 bream and a couple of nice wrasse but I proffessionally messed around geting the net out and luckily the cookoo wrasse got off. (first of the species for Mike) We decided to move further out on some rough ground but althought the tide was stronger the wind was stronger and the side movement of the boat was uncomfortable and not a sniff of a bite. Anyway, Mike let slip that he had never caught a conger. Well before he could get his rods in I was steaming out to a couple of wreck marks. As the tide there was going through at 3 knots we decided to try a few drifts, resulting in a nice plump pollack for Mike. I was thinking this blokes got no respect By now the wind had totally gone and the rest of the day was like a summer day. Once we anchored down and the baits were over the side, on went the cooker and no sooner than the bacon started to sizzle when over went the first rod and then a 10 minute battle to haul a 25lb conger through a 2.5 knot tide. It was then steady action and Mike gets his first conger, a very respectable 35lb, he was well chuffed. We finished up with about 10 / 11 on the boat the best going 47lb to me A steady 23 knots back to the slip, home, hose down for me and the boat and just sneaked into the meeting in time Great day with good weather, good company and good conger
  9. Welcome fellow Warrior owner, what are you kitting her out with? (engine and electrics) Always plenty of crew for those good boats
  10. Is it over the 3 years? I think I might raise a bit of a fuss especially as its such low hours. Tell them you used to have a honda that had a 5 year warrantee etc etc. The worst they can say is no, at best you might get some sort of jesture. (hopefully not the victory one)
  11. Dale I have an Etec 75 but running out the fuel used to be some thing they did with 2 stroke carb models. I believe this was as the fuel evaporated and left too much oil in the carb, this in effect made the start up mixture too lean so could theoretically damage the engine. Do you know what caused the failure on yours? Was it something that could have been avoided? Have you been pleased so far and now joining that ever increasing number of Etec fans. (mind you after that bill your wallet is not going to be!) Gordon
  12. I am going to try going west a bit to meet the incoming bream. I have one or two uncertain marks around Kimmeridge I can try, is there anyone out there who could help me out with a number or two?
  13. Got crew
  14. Happy old gits
  15. Reporter talking to Paul McCartney about the new girl in his life and said do you think you will go down on one knee again? Paul replied "no I won't but don't call her that her name was Heather"!
  16. Looks like there is a window in the weather and I should be able to get Thursday off. Anyone fancy crewing or need crew, I thought head west and close in as the tides are picking up and try for bream again. Gordon
  17. I just said that
  18. Manic Moore

    Fishing bug

    Polish me rod
  19. Hi Craig Although its quite a long day, leaving about 6 and getting back 6 or 7 by the time the wiegh in is done. The beach launch is very simple, there will be 15 to 20 boats and they have their own tractor that takes all the boats for launch and the parking is quite cheap for the day including the trailer. There will be plenty of people to help and advice and you will get a local buddy boat if you want one to help with marks etc. The trip down takes just over a couple of hours and we go down in together so again plenty of help at hand. Its a great experience and the atmosphere is good to. It would be great to see some new faces at the event and to put up a good show on behalf of the club Any more questions please post to your hearts content Regards Gordon Enticer will be there
  20. Nun, naked in the bath. There's a knock on the door, "who's there" said the Nun. "It's the blind man" he said. "Well you can come in then" replies the Nun. The blind man walks in and says " nice tits, where do you me to put these blinds"
  21. A manager in our company decided to mess about with bio fuel in his company diesel merc, and it wasn't quite made right and it ended up blowing his engine, five grand later and he retired
  22. I think I should be able get either Wednesday or Thursday off, anyone fancy a conger trip, tides are slowing and the winds are dropping to single figures. Gordon
  23. Colleague at work wants to get rid of this tank. Can't vouch for the quality of the connection, just looks like it needs a good clean. Don't know what make the conection is either but he only wants a tenner for it
  24. No probs Alun. Glad of your company again. It was nice to give Enticer a run out and despite not being started for 2 months or so she fired up and ran faultless all day. That wind was quite biting and didn't let up all day but nice to get out and wind up a few fish Gordon
  25. I can't do Wed and I will confirm tomorrow
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