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Member Removed

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Everything posted by Member Removed

  1. Nige I have a really good mate who fits these for a living, and I'm sure will be able to find some ducting etc in his van for a drink? I'll try & pm you his number, as he would prefer to keep it discreet! Please let me know if you havent got the pm. I'm sure he'll be happy to help you out even its only for an hour or so to do the difficult bits? Thanks Adam
  2. Sorry Gas, I did not make myself totally clear.... I am Ian Bateman, it was me you spoke too about the sender...we ( WEMA ) are the only manufacturers of these kind of senders in the UK. Hope that is clear Ian Bateman WEMA UK
  3. Thanks Peter, I've sent you a message. Kind Regards Rob
  4. Just a short note to clear up any confusion about WEMA Wema did have a branch at Broadstone but have just recently moved to Hamworthy, unfortunately the telephone situation has not been sorted that why Gas ( hope your not a Rovers fan !! ) got a ringing tone on the old number. The correct number for the Poole branch is 01202 929346 As far as sender are concerned there are two main types
  5. Rob, Martin, Colin, Thank you for the feedback, really appreciated. If it would be possible to speak with your conservation officer I think that would be most practical for myself and wouldn't take up time in your meetings. If I could be put in contact with the relevant member with a view to arranging a brief phone call at some point in the near future (once they are back from holiday) that would be great. Thank you again for the assistance Kind Regards Rob
  6. Hi there. I'm not really well versed in the protocol for using forums, so apologies if any of this doesn't follow the correct form for such things! I am currently undertaking an MSc in Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) at the University of Glamorgan. I also work as an environmental scientist for a multi-disciplinary environmental consultancy. As part of my degree course
  7. i went out for the first time today for about 20 mins from christchurch. but i want to do the rya pb2day course first and a neck muscle injury made it uncomfortable and i was glad to get in by the time i had stowed the boat.
  8. got it up to 23knots. but it started to bounce without the trim tabs down and they need new annodes.
  9. Yeah, maybe i got lucky. He seems to have looked after it. The original owner was an RNLI coxwain and it was constructed with a reinforced hull. We had three mackies, they werent biting and we onlyhad about 20 mins to fish. Was nice to be out though, but I am exhausted now! I shouldbe down there again on the 10th july.
  10. England fans have been advised to get to the stadium early on Sunday to get a seat without a towel on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Hi Guys Dave, I will probably join the club but its not the top prioty to shell out on right now as as you say there are some equipment and safety kit purchases required... It is a fairly long list including Pboat level 2 course. Graham, yes its been advertised a while. There are two other raider 18 wheel houses availabel in the
  12. http://www.boatshed.com/raider_18_fisherman-boat-76326.html This is the boat.
  13. Firstly; thanks for the warm welcome to the forum and the club. I guess a few of you must wander into freshwater from time to time? I plan to use my kayak all over the country (where allowed) to catch as many species as possible from different rivers. I trip to the wye is planned in a few weeks time and the kayak will be on board. Rich (Dave?)
  14. Hi Thanks for the replies. I havent checked the thread for a while. Basically my offer ona boat got accepted last week and I had a little panic when I found out the mooring was not transferable. Anyway I still had a few options. I spoke to the water ways and the officers colleague told me there were only 2 river moorings for 25ft plus boats. I suspect the smaller ones have been taken in advance of summer and I havent phoned back the other lady. I phoned around a few places and when they said no I asked if they knew anywhere else and RIB Marine put me onto Willow Way boat yard. I went down today and checked it out and took the mooring. Its quite a nice place and has the benefits of some amenities on site and CCTV. I think there may be one or two other moorings available there, but other than that Christchurch is quite full. Its a wonder what zero percent interest rates and high government borrowing will do for places like Christchurch! Anyway I should be loose on the high seas soon enough! If anyone can offer a few wreck or rough ground marks within a couple of miles of XChurch that would be great! Rob
  15. bump? any help?
  16. How is it if someone gets my name wrong i end up getting called Dave. My gran (over the last few years of her life) used to call me Dave, my dad and uncles just found really funny; just like 'Only Fools and Horses'. The buggers still call me Dave when had a few. That was me on Durley Beach, had a few bream that afternoon nothing massive 1.75lb the biggest went.....with chips. Will try to make it along one evening. Cheers
  17. Cheers lads will come along to one of the meetings. Be good to 'buddy up' as i'm still learning and from a safety point of view it would mean that i would be able to fish some of the more distant marks.
  18. Hi all. I'm new to the club and new to Kayak fishing. A couple of months ago i bought myself a sevylor colorado. (I had to go for an inflatable as i live in a flat and storage is limited). Its great, packs up into a small handy bag, i can carry it and the fishing gear easily and its seems easy to handle both up river and out to sea. I plan to use it for coarse and sea fishing just as something different. So far i've managed a few bream from Poole Patch, a load of mackerel and school bass from the 'new' mark near Boscombe Pier and i also managed a couple of 2lb bass from the ledge this morning. So if any of you see me out there say hello.
  19. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/article-...tain-bakes.html 6th pic down. got some other shots we took as well, but they're not so clear, and mostly of the fin and tail on the surface. That's been cropped but you can see Alum Chine in the background in the original. Drifted with it on tickover in gear for about 20 mins, being very mindful of distressing it (especially seeing as we didnt want it to go away) and at the end of the encounter we were around 10ft off it, on idle, having got ahead of it and come around in front of it's seemingly straight path (although it did meander a bit). As it was alongside we got it at between 1/2 & 2/3 the length of our White Shark 205. Lost it in the reflection of the sun as it turned a tad towards the shore just after passing an 8 knot marker. We were in 6-8 ft of water by then off Alum Chine, perhaps Brankesome, but I wasn't really concentrating. Spent about 20 mins looking for the dorsal and tail fin that we spotted first in the netted area just west of Bournemouth Pier, but to no avail. Seemed to be behaving like a basking shark, but never saw the characteristic mouth open, or nose on the surface. We thought it might be following the gutting trail left by a netter sorting his catch in the shallows... that's when we thought it might be a porby. Still not sure if it was either a big porby or a small basker... we were close enough to see a couple of welts on the tail, but we never saw the mouth open. Still, made for an interesting break in the skiing
  20. Hey Nige!, been away from the site for a while, hope things are good with you and your dad etc........If you need company ever on thiose brittle ground then just let me know mate and I'll share the fuel. Regards Pete
  21. Hopefully someone can help with this one..........I have recently moved from a petrol boat to diesel. The engine is a volvo D3 and I have had the warning light come on saying water in fuel, I drained the pre filter and sure enough there was water present. This has happened each time I have taken the boat out. What are my options to get rid of the water in the tank? Many thanks Hunter
  22. Hi can anyone tell me what vhf channel the club uses please.
  23. Hi Guys I am looking at potentially getting a Raider 18 or similar small pilothouse boat (MF 58x etc) in the next month or two. My parents have a static caravan at Christchurch. Can anyone advise on the options/ costs of morring, or trailer stowage and launch? Are any of the marinas providing trailer stowage and launch in a secure park or do you have to launch and retreive yourself? Ill probably be down there next weekend. Lymington would be another option but Christchurch much better I think. Thanks for any advice. Rob
  24. it is at lymington fishing club more details attached
  25. Hi Adam just sent you a pm
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