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Graham Nash

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Everything posted by Graham Nash

  1. I spent a few days there last year Lofty. Its lovely. BIG tides as Phil says but very scenic part of the country. I saw lots of yakkers out there and regretted not taking mine. Get on Anglers afloat and try to arrange something, I wouldnt mind betting someone will be happy to show you the ropes.
  2. Well done Brian, you had a better day than me Took the day off and joined True Blue at 8AM for a trip out. Sat on the rips 20 odd miles out for about 5 hours or so while a couple of rays, pout, scad, small pollock, small cod, small tope + one decent tope were pulled up. Then we shifted to anchor a wreck and 7 of the 10 on board bagged a small/medium conger within about half an hour before we motored home for 6PM (I had my first conger of about 20LB and my only fish of the day apart from mackerel). A long day, and unfortunately probably not my most enjoyable.
  3. If I didnt have to work I would be considering the same myself on Thursday ..... but alas the bills need paying so I best do some work
  4. Mike, I had a Plymouth Pilot (displacement hull) and it drove me mad being overtaken by everything! Exceptionally economical (partly because I was reluctant to go anywhere in it due to the time it took getting there and back). I'm afraid I like the convenience of the speed, even if I have to pay for it.
  5. you may be right Dave. Maybe I am just being greedy?? My Raider will do most things and I suppose I could hitch a lift or do a charter for anything else? (I am out with True Blue Wednesday )
  6. I had the honour of joining Charlie, Sam & Will on Alfresco a little while ago and was very impressed with their whole set up so have been looking at changing my own boat since then. I must be honest I like my boat and it does almost everything i could ever want of it, but I quite like the thought of getting extra bodies on deck that (may) share the expense of the trips . I have looked at a few hulls but I dont seem able to find much information on inboard diesel engines & legs. I am considering of a hull of around 1 1/2 to 2 tons and would want to be able to cruise at between 17 to 20 knotts I think I would need an engine in the region of 180 to 250HP, but they seem to cost about 3 arms and 2 legs ? Does anyone have any info on second hand/refurb dealers?
  7. Superb Toby. I have no idea what it is or if you can eat it but who cares when you are fishing in bright sunshine with 26deg water!!
  8. I wont be out that far either Mike. I wont be looking for Tuna either, I will leave that to almost everyone else.
  9. Thanks Charlie but I have agreed with my crew that we will go somewhere, its just where that has to be agreed :-) Might be tempted to follow you tho
  10. I have had a fantastic June & July and would love to top it off with a summer trip to the wrecks or brittlestars. I have never had any luck out there so maybe its my time?? My crew are not so keen (as we have been having great results inshore) and I wont go out there as a single boat so I would be interested to know if any others are heading out that way on Sunday? Maybe if there are others out that way I might be able to persuade them. Edit: Have just looked at the forcast and I doubt I will be heading out . I suppose most will be tuna hunting over Portland way
  11. you are certainly making the most of that Yak mate. Good result!
  12. I have recently taken out insurance with them. Saved me a few quid and the cover looks better too.
  13. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-14185207
  14. I have the Garmin 750s and find it perfect. The touch screen works with ragworm, mackerel or squid (or any combination of the above). No more fiddly than small buttons when swinging or bobbing. I would happily recommend it.
  15. Alton Towers is good, Jim, and you won't have to get your boat wet. nor remove the cobwebbs & moss that has grown on it
  16. Graham Nash


    Hi Andrew ..... we are a friendly bunch, join in and you will get on just fine.
  17. ha ha .... maybe i need a new one too. I only need to look at mine and it wants fuel!!
  18. surely Cobbs should have known that and maybe informed it's customers??
  19. Very nice Martin ... well done!
  20. Anyone in management .... can you imagine the Risk Assessment and Method Statement for that!!!
  21. Just not beneath me!!
  22. Well we headed West .... the wind & water was rougher than we had expected and the tide was much stronger than we had been hoping for too but we did manage our desired species. A 14 1/2LB Tope was the best we could do but it was still a Tope Other commitments mean thats it for me for a fortnight new .... I hope I dont miss too much nice weather.
  23. Personally I rarely have any joy on Poole patch (although there are always lots of boats fishing out there). I have had bream there, but (for me) its mainly doggies!
  24. shocking!!
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