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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. Try this thread http://www.pbsbac.co.uk/forum/index.php?showtopic=802
  2. I have most of my hooks' barb pushed down with a pair of pliers. It is something I'd always done since I wdid course fishing as a young lad. The first time I'd seen someone who had a hook embedded in themselves was when I was 11, in an ambulance being taken to hospital with a broken wrist after I fell over rollerskating. 2 young men flagged down my ambulance and asked if we can take them to hospital as one of them had a biggish hook hooked into his thigh..........
  3. If you are dumb enough to book with an umlicenced boat then you can't blame anyone. It's like going out in a dingy in force 4/5, you knew the risk and you take the consequences.
  4. Just rang my mate at Eurocell, one about 150mm by 9mm costs about
  5. Go to a trade stocklist like Eurocell, who supply all the double glazing companies like Zenith. There's an Eurocell at Unit 5a, Sunrise Business Park, Higher Shaftesbury Rd, Blandford Forum, Dorset DT11 8ST. See how much they charge, I can get trade discount about 40% but only from the one in Andover.
  6. You are not suggesting other skippers skippers watched and did nothing ......
  7. Is wrecking difficult? What's actually involve?
  8. The speed thingy is quite easily explained. It's basicly vector velocity. Assuming the true straight ahead course is the Y-axis, and LHS is the negetive X-axis, and the RHS is positive X-axis. As the boat is travelling at the direction (dictated) by the ob (in this case slightly to the right, say 10 degree). The boat is travelling at 100% (presuming no energy lose to friction etc) of the output, in the direction of 10 degree. Say However, if Jim wants to stay on the [true] course, he has to compensate it with a counter balancing force along the -ve X-axis. Resulting with a slightly less the 100% of output, probably around 92%. Hence the drop in speed.
  9. I thought it's the gasses that make the carcass float? I read it from somewhere a whale body is very prone to explode, let hope there's no one around when it does ....
  10. Boat Jumble is on Sunday. We'll pop in and say hello.
  11. Why can't they just piece the body and let it sink to the bottom of the sea where it belongs?
  12. Newboy

    Link Page??

    The company is called Andover Tune Engineering and their phone number is 01264 363644. It's only small engineering firm. They make mainly s/s hand rails etc. Get a draeing and fax them for a quote. I faxed a few company in Soton and their quote were a lot higher than this one's. It also helps if you are slightly flexible on sizes, if they can use off cut it'll cost less. On my rack, the 6 rod holders was originally dia 45mm, but they have some dia 65mm off cuts and they cost a few bobs rather than order a whole new piece in.
  13. Newboy


    Welcome Bliss2
  14. I used to have a small one plugged into my dad's car which wasn't used for long time. It worked fine provided it's plugged in constantly and alarm etc are not switched on. However, I think you can get massive solar panels the size of a food tray and they should work very well (working on the assumption it's 8x the little one). If you are parking the trailer outside your drive, get a battery mate, about
  15. Adam, if you must rid of the old 2 s mix, phone the council, they will be able to tell you which amenity dump has the facility to accept petrol. However you can also give it to other boat users. There must be someone else using old 2 stroke.
  16. Do I wire it to a switch, so that the switch controls the float switch? or do I connect it straight to the battery, ie, at all time?
  17. How does the auto switch for a bilge pump wire up? So is it fully auto, or do I still need to wire it to a manual switch (as well as the auto switch)? Another thing is that I have 'this' in my boat which is in the fuel supply line to the engine. My guess is that is fuel filter. Do I need to change it?
  18. But Klingons ladies are much more fun, they bite .......
  19. Coddy's idea is probably the best. use 1/2 old mixture with 1/2 new petrol should do it. Anyway, you can't bin petrol, you'll have to take it to council dump which has this facility. Btw, welcome to the forum.
  20. You wanna do mine while you're at it?!
  21. Welcome DB, have fun and lots of banters....
  22. Here's a website for trailer parts, for future reference. http://www.trailertek.com/index.htm
  23. The trailer centre should have it, if not, Halfords will probably too, but you will need to take the old one in for them to match it. Changing the shoes are pretty easy and straight forward, another one of those thing once you done one, it's easy.
  24. Yeh, check 'em for leaks though. Just drop a lighted match in and any flames coming out will show the leaks Mad Mike You hold the tanks and I'll hold the match......
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