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Everything posted by plaicemat

  1. I am reading this as the boat anchor not holding bottom. Not huge tides so you shouldn't have had a problem. The obvious answers are a) your anchor isn't heavy enough; not knowing your boat and length I couldn't guess at this b) You don't have enough chain or c) you didn't have enough rope out, This is so your anchor and chain are laid on the bottom and not being pulled up. Terry.
  2. That's it, rub it in! 😒 Terry.
  3. plaicemat


    Not getting anything. Terry.
  4. Jim, I can't believe you make all these cakes personalised for the club members, I assume you eat them all yourself. Terry.
  5. A Happy Cake Day young Alun, hope France is being kind to you. Terry.
  6. I realised Rob, I've been around too long to expect sincerity from you 😉😀. The smoked salmon mousse was delightful though, as ever! Terry.
  7. This was not a red letter day! All I will add is that Martin and I went fishing. Thanks for the company Martin, the only up side of the day. And the cider, of course! Terry.
  8. I shall be going out on Friday from Cobb's if anyone would care to join me, space for one. Terry.
  9. It was banned for the public in the early 2000's but implementation has been spasmodic. It appears I'm fractionally previous as it is due to finally be implemented later this year https://www.octopost.co.uk/other-pages/the-future-of-creosote-posts/#:~:text=Coal-tar creosote has been,risks associated with the use. Terry.
  10. I used to do the same, the creosote preserved the wood and the oil waterproofed it, I'm surprised nobody patented it. Of course, we cannot get creosote any more, damn the EU! Terry.
  11. Happy Cake Day Jerry. Terry.
  12. plaicemat

    Navionics App

    I also find it useful when travelling. A friend that I fish with in Florida does not have a chart plotter or fish finder (surprisingly, not that unusual). I have therefore downloaded the relevant charts at a small cost so when we got caught out by a thick mist I was able to save the day. He was absolutely amazed and has been converted. I think it is just a question of him being 'a certain age', that he has always managed without these aids because he knows his waters and hasn't come in contact with the technology because he doesn't fish on other boats. Terry.
  13. I would have been happy to participate but this was my main concern also. Let me know what you discover. Terry.
  14. plaicemat

    Navionics App

    You can always buddy up with other members when they are out, just post with the day you are thinking of going and see who's about. Terry.
  15. Happy Cake Day chaps. Reasons to be cheerful, spring is now here so get fishing. Terry.
  16. A very Happy Cake Day Chris. Terry.
  17. This will be the last time I say, Happy Birthday Mr. Chairman. Terry.
  18. I have frequently experienced this, they seem to go into hibernation mode during the winter. Sometimes an email will bring a response but no guarantees. Who have you tried? Terry.
  19. Oh! Thank you Brian. Not a good thing then. Terry.
  20. At the risk of sounding stupid, what is reservoir fluid that contains oil? Terry.
  21. plaicemat

    Honda Service

    Me too, although I have retired from doing my own work as it has got to the stage where I lift the bonnet and don't recognise anything under it. Additionally, I don't have a computer to connect to it which seems to be an essential today. Terry.
  22. plaicemat

    Honda Service

    How do they judge 'mechanically proficient? Clarification needed. Servicing is the most difficult the first time you attempt it, thereafter, like servicing your cars, it gets much easier. There are plenty of YouTube videos to guide you through the process, go for it! Terry.
  23. plaicemat

    Honda Service

    And no reason why you shouldn't do your own outboard but NOT when it is still in warranty as this would almost certainly void it. Who did your first 20 hour service? Terry.
  24. Without any racism whatsoever, check the restaurants specials boards! Terry.
  25. I'm surprised certain folks didn't hack off the fins. Terry.
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