Manic Moore
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Everything posted by Manic Moore
Sick as a parrot fish
Fantastic, 3 PBs in less than a week
Thank you Tom, I had a great day, especially nice to keep up with the skipper on the fishing front for a change . A nice boat too. I suspect I would have been a little more wet and cold on Cushdy Thanks for a good day Couple of pictures in the "picture place"
I would of thought a comfortable 20lb, they go well don't they!
I am sure this will duplicate Adams. But we decided to go early and get more of the flood. Beautiful as you can see from the photo. Well we had to stick it out for some time, just the doggies and pout. Then just before high water ADAMs rod goes over again And the fish is unstoppable, taking line for several minutes and me swearing and cursing his parentage as yet again, same baits, same tackle etc etc. ADAM gets the first decent bite I decide to help out and while I am reeling in ADam's other rod, mine started to go. Well, I took it easy in case it was the other fish. Soon realised it wasn't and Adam's 42lb conger came over the side and a few mintutes later my first really decent cod. When we looked at it on the deck, I thought a double. possibly 12lb, but didn't take into account how well the size went right down the fish. 17lb 10oz. After all the excitement it went dead again so we decided to fish a small wreck for the ebb. Adam again , with 2 small congers about 20lb and 15lb and that was it. Great day again Adam, thanks
Some one should tell those couple of charter skippers, I think they are from the IOW who are always going on endlessly about their cars, wives etc etc. The ones with a strong west country accent
What a lovely day. Decided to creep out into the harbour with Paul D in Cushdy and as the tide wasn't doing much for our flounder spoons had a look out of the Harbour and it was great, a bit lumpy against the tide on the way out but certainly very fishable. On the spoil grounds we had a few pout to a 1lb or so and one bonus Conger of about 10 - 12 lbs, (first one bit me off) That sounded painful! But it fought really well on 12lb class rod, 8 oz lead and hardly any tide. Sun shone most of the day, it was great to get out. Thanks for your company Paul
Hi Tom I need to take some time off over the next couple of weeks and if the weather breaks again I'd be glad to tag along. Week commencing the 21st the tides are quite small, perhaps you fancy a go at hauling up a few congers off a wreck? Regards Gordon PS Perhaps Charlie could let us have one of his "special marks"
I am just about to sell my recently graduated daughters Uni PC. Thought I might see if anyone wanted here before it goes in the free ads. It's a AMD Athlon XP1800 with 120MB RAM, 40GB HD. 17" screen, keyboard, Microsoft mouse, Good speakers with a sub woofer. I have formatted the drive and reloaded and registered the windows XP. It also has an old copy of Office. It has a modem. If you wanted to go on Broad band, you may have to get a bit more RAM. Other than that it served my daughter well. A bargain at
I had the same when I went out Saturday. Mullet fishing the hard way (magotts and ground bait) and only a couple of chequers showed. Not evan any roach or dace, so something put them off. Anyway, decided to give Cushdy a bit of a blast as I have put in some carbon cleaner in my fuel. (you should see the inside of my metal fuel tank, you can see your face in it! Also spent a little time playing with the trim and tilt, got her up to 25knots and then started to tilt out and at what seemed an odd angle she really got on her toes. 35 knots But if I try to get her back on the plane from slow its added another 5 knots to get her up. I will have to get a trim guage. Anyway, had to wait 3/4 hour just to get into the harbour, and still adjusted my prop. Had to get the boat in from the gravel beside the slip, that worked untill my rear wheel drive dug in the gravel. Luckily a fellow boater down for the boat show gave me a short tow with his 4x4 to get my wheels on the slip. Maybe its time to talk to the local authority again, I would say it's worse now than before they fixed it Nice fish Paul
It wasn't. I did a couple of tests on Paul J's and there was no interference at all and he had made the same wireing error as me. Lowrance are now replacing the unit anyway as there was no sound from the unit (bleeps when you press the buttons) Excelent service. Putting up with all my calls. The engineer evan spoke to me when he was on holiday.
Bob, It looks like I cocked up the wiring and didn't earth the shield wires Do you think that was the problem?
Sounds like you've been doing some grovling mate! Friday is probably a no go for me, as I'm a bit busy at work and the weather looks a bit iffy too. What sort of time and what did you have in mind, Bass plus a short stint for conger on the slack?
Anyone thinking of Saturday as the weather looks like its improving. Not sure if I will get my GPS back in time to take Cushdy out. Saturday PM evening could look good on the bridge! So could be up for crew
aaarrrhhhh CRABs
Bob, sounds like another couple of areas I can check. It would appear that it is a problem with the GPS as I have connected the radio to a completely seperate battery, 6 feet away from the GPS and disconnected the GPS arial and still has a problem Perhaps I can catch you on Thursday Regards Gordon