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Manic Moore

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Everything posted by Manic Moore

  1. Although he failed to add that he's still a novice
  2. Last week I was invited to spend the day on my mate's Karnic 2050 with 200 horses of Suzuki hanging on the back. Martin, after getting to play with boat for the day I can see why you bought yours. Possibly one of the best handling boats I have been on even in yesterdays weather. Excelent build quality and it goes like sh1t off a chickens lip! The only modification I think would add to the alround performance would be a set of adjustable trim tabs. With full fuel tank and all the fishing gear (and box of fish ) we had to trim the engine right in to keep the boat at the right angle. Although once opened in ernist at 45 knots it was like an arrow. I also got play with the Hummingbird 970c. A nice bit of kit but I would personaly still opt for a Garmin. The software is a bit long winded although it didn't take that long to figure out, just a number of short cuts they could have easily put in. A dual unit with sounder and plotter. My mate is a bit of a self confessed techno fobe so he was grateful for the tuission. (I think Anyway I met up with Will about 6 in Bournemouth and we were at the boat in a yard in Lillyput by 6.30. Boat already in the water and stowing all the gear we were out of the harbour by 7. The plan was a wrecking day and try to take in a few wrecks between Poole and Christchurch. Clearing old Harry and all the white horses a change of plan was in order. Luckily we had the bait for the contingency and it was west now and under the cliffs for bream. Will had a nicely made bait dropper and had made a secret recipe for the bream and they loved it. (which I now have ) Fish to 2 and a half from the off. Every time we shook the bait dropper they went mad untill the tide slowed right down and we were swinging all over the place. Also squeeked a few macky out too. As the tide eased so did the wind a little and so we went back to plan A, which didn't take into account all the wrecks having divers on. So plan C we looked at the charts and found a reef to fish. Pollock to 6lb from the off and regular double hook ups on rubber. That fished well for a couple of hours untill the wind took hold so we then did a tour of wrecks which bought in more pollock of similar size, although the wind certainly made conditions difficult. 7 o'clock and we are back in the harbour, washed down the boat and gear in the car back home for 8. A long day, but 30 plus bream and similar number of pollock was a fantastic days fishing and got to play on a fantastic boat to boot. . Definately a blue day.
  3. How did your cod fishing go Mat, did you get crew ok?
  4. Nice one Frank
  5. I'm out with a friend tomorrow on his 19' Karnic with a 200 Suzuki We are going West out of Poole and try one or two wrecks for Bas and Pollock and possibly anchor down for one or two congers Good luck everyone, weather looks good and if you see a blur go past on the horizon that will be us
  6. Is this an Etec / 4 stroke thread?
  7. Gnasher I would be tempted to either venue. Lets keep an eye on the weather and keep in contact closer to the weekend? Gordon
  8. That's a cracker Gary. I certainly want a few more of those this season. As Terry said it wasn't a bad day really. My best went 2lb 3oz and on a 100g spinning rod went really well. I got the hump really when for the second time sitting next to Terry his rods are going off one after the other, some great reel churners and I am sat there with out a bite We were using the same rigs, hooks and bait but Terry must have nearly doubled my tally for the day. At best I had a dozen small bream. Its now getting to the stage where I'm looking at finding myself a really unlucky fisherman to crew for me Gordon It must have been that I wasn't wearing my lucky thong
  9. Hi Terry Bought up in Swindon myself and still got family there. I'm crewed for Sunday but always keep an eye on the forum as I for one am often looking for crew and its usually first come first served as they say. Especially if you can make short notice or mid week. All the best Gordon
  10. Manic Moore


    I used to be into model gliders and we used Ni cads for all our battery needs and one thing we all dreaded was known as "the black death" this was the wiring from the battery going black and often caused failures and resulted in smashed models. The only solution was to ensure that you always disconect the battery completely after use. I certainly don't confess to be an expert on electrics but had heard that leaving the battery connected albeit switched off caused this issue. Does anyone have the electrical know how to explain? Gordon
  11. Paul I will be up for a trip Sunday. You could come aboard Enticer if you like Regards Gordon
  12. Well in another 3 hours I will be on the coach to heathrow for a 10 day break in Phuket. Resort on the beach, cheap deep sea sport fishing, monster cat fish in the local lakes and I shall be experimenting with some early morning / night time beach fishing with my carp rod. I will send a couple of reports. Oh and having a great family holiday See you in a couple of weeks
  13. Sorry about the late report, too much work and getting reading to shoot off to Thailand for 10 days for a fishing ... I mean family holiday Thanks to Adam for finishing off the organising of the day. I was making this trip with hopes of a better time than the last trip 2 years ago when I think we were the only boat that blanked. Plenty of bait, and we were hoping for a top tip from our buddy boat. Unfortunately it was not to be, we tried a couple of spots but only a couple of eels to show for all that effort. This time we not going to wait to see what came along. With Neo and OOTB catching rays we made the decision to move and within 5 minutes of anchoring we were into the thorn backs. Catching steadily Terry and I had approximately a dozen Rays each and a few congers to add a bit of fun. All in all it was a long day but a great change and I really enjoyed my first successful use of the uptide rod which 80% of my fish came on. Thanks for your company again Terry, sorry about the cooker
  14. Can anyone convert that file. I don't have anything on my pc to read it. Maybe cpy and paste onto word or text document
  15. I feel a 4 stroke / Etec debate coming on
  16. Well done Paul that's put off a few prospects!
  17. Martin, If you have an up to date email list, could you email out a nice friendly reminder of the Burnham trip to all. This will remind those that don't spend thier life on the forum but still have email access. Paul D do you have the technology to send a text from a pc to all the members mobile? Regards Gordon Nothing like a bit of marketing to stimulate some interest. I have arranged an advert on Playboy TV
  18. On the main sea front its oposite and right of the main car park. And now I remember correctly, we leave our trailers on the beach and cars in the car park. I will get some contact details from Adam for timings as last year we ended up about an hour and a half early so unless you can't sleep or want a 3 course roast dinner before you go, I guess we could get an extra 45 minutes sleep. Keep those names coming. As we go in groups, we are all there to help and support each other so even if you haven't towed far. As long as your trailer is up together just look at it as going up and down to Mudeford half a dozen times
  19. Should have no issues with cars. Top of the beach is solid hard packed, there will be at least a dozen or more 4 wheel drives and the club tractor to launch and retrieve the boats. Cars and trailers are left at the top of the beach well away from the top water level. BTW?
  20. As we are only a week or so away and to do my first bit as the new Trailer Commodore, I think it would be a good idea to confirm who will be taking boats and who would be up for crewing or both Gordon Enticer need crew
  21. Can you speak Philipino then Adam
  22. Does the reciever work ok. Are the servos working? Have you tried different ports of the reciever? I used to do a bit of radio controlled gliders and still have a box of bits in the garage. You are welcome to pop it over one evening see if I have anything that might help. I'm in Ringwood Regards Gordon
  23. Unfortunately, I can't make the first comp on Sunday so I plan to go out and sulk on Saturday and see if the bream are playing. Anyone fancy crewing. I will probably be buddying Adam on the ledge somewhere
  24. This post is for Adam as he can't get to a PC. He is thinking about a trip to Weymouth tomorrow, possibly shambles or wrecks. I can't make it now due to work commitments If you are interested in crewing, give Adam a call or post a reply
  25. I know the type you mean Terry, I was looking for some thing more made for the job, but it may be that will be what I have to use in the end
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