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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

Graham Nash

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Everything posted by Graham Nash

  1. I think there are many that have voices similar reservations concerning the AT within our own club Bob, and well done to you for "putting your money where your mouth is": I for one would be interested in knowing what you think you can do and how you think you can do it when everyone else has failed so miserably. Incidentally I did join your forum some time ago but never progressed to the "pay" status as although you were all very friendly and some seemed very knowledgable you were very limited at the time with very few (if any) posters from down this area.
  2. Wasnt it a fair size fishing boat tho Dave? Surely they felt safe in the assumption that anything else out there would either be looking at their radar (in which case they would see them) or anything without radar would be going slow. remember that if the fishing boat had his radar set at 5 mile range, the ferry would not have shown on his radar until about 7 or 8 minutes before impact. Not much time to lift the anchor and get out of it's way, even if they saw it immediately it came on their screen.
  3. Thats a beast!! ( obviously the fish I mean, not Emma ) Congratulations Emma!
  4. I have only been out twice in fog, the first without radar and i didnt like it at all and travelled at about 3 or 4 knots, the second time was with radar and i still didnt like it but upped to about 8 knots while my mate was hanging over the side to see and i was fixed to my radar screen. Obviously depending on the conditions, but anyone doing 37 knots in thick fog is IMHO criminally negligent.
  5. I hope the dogfish section has plenty of room!
  6. yesterday morning Windguru was showing Sunday with force 1's & 2's, by last night that was up to 6's & 7's. This morning it's 4 to 5. I dont envy you your task Rob!
  7. Me and my big mouth!!!
  8. shhhhhhhh but has anyone seen sundays forcast lately
  9. thats a bit like not washing cos we will only get dirty again
  10. I admire the amount of effort you lot put into your fishing .... I couldnt even be bothered to get out last weekend when the weather was beautiful (but my excuse was that the fishing was pants). Concerning the bump ..... I had a similar thing a few years ago, hit a BLUE company car on the motorway. Tiny damage to him but he said he wasnt worried. We didnt exchange details. When I got home i (for some reason) decided to phone my insurance and tell them of the slight bump and the conversation I had with the driver, they made a note (which I now know would have gone onto a database and been used to increase my premiums for future years). Anyway, to cut a long story short, the other car owner did decide to claim and about 3 weeks later I had a call from my insurers claiming for quite major damage to his RED car as well as whiplash injuries etc. I instructed my insurers to dispute the claim but it was agreed to pay out something like about
  11. has anyone seen the forecast for Sunday???
  12. Saturday is a no go for me but I will be out Sunday, heading similar general direction to Pirky. I will also be on CH6 listening to who is catching what
  13. I use a company called Elite fabrication in Corfe Mullen. Not so much for boat bits but for all sorts of metal work including stainless steel.
  14. There are a few threads about insurance ... this one was the most recent http://www.pbsbac.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=12484 Graham.
  15. I am hoping to get out Saturday (and/or Sunday) but it will depend massively on my dogs. I have a bitch in season at the moment and a very stressed and frustrated dog trying to get at her so if they are still stressy then I will have to stay at home to prevent having any more. If I do manage to get out I was intending to head over towards the IOW somewhere (and take some squid with me ).
  16. Touch wood I have never needed to claim but I changed from Towergate Mardon to Fowler Penfold Marine this year and got slightly better cover at a slightly better price. Hopefully I wont need to claim again this year so I hope not to find out how good they actually are!
  17. Its not looking great for me either but I will definitely get there before the end of the meeting with the money for the bait (And Tony's bait). Graham.
  18. I use a couple of abu 7000 reels and i like them. I have a multitude of rods ranging from
  19. well done Rory, Someone got a bargain there!
  20. I headed out with the intention of fishing my favourite ray mark but for some reason (and I have no idea what that reason is) I changed my mind about 300 yards short of my proposed spot. A 2 1/2lB Tub Gurnard was a nice sight, followed by numerous tope and doggioes. A single 1lb 5oz turbot was our only recordable fish (but a welcome addition to my species list).
  21. I will brush the cobwebs off and get Little Sal out. One non member as crew.
  22. Cannot believe it ... the first weekend that looks fishable for 3 weeks and I am at a wedding all weekend!
  23. Agreed about the cost of the oil, but you will reap the rewards come service time and it costs you peanuts in comparison to other new makes.
  24. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/XD100-EVINRUDE-E...=item4a8c34b9ad bargain at
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