I admire the amount of effort you lot put into your fishing .... I couldnt even be bothered to get out last weekend when the weather was beautiful (but my excuse was that the fishing was pants).
Concerning the bump ..... I had a similar thing a few years ago, hit a BLUE company car on the motorway. Tiny damage to him but he said he wasnt worried. We didnt exchange details. When I got home i (for some reason) decided to phone my insurance and tell them of the slight bump and the conversation I had with the driver, they made a note (which I now know would have gone onto a database and been used to increase my premiums for future years). Anyway, to cut a long story short, the other car owner did decide to claim and about 3 weeks later I had a call from my insurers claiming for quite major damage to his RED car as well as whiplash injuries etc. I instructed my insurers to dispute the claim but it was agreed to pay out something like about