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Graham Nash

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Everything posted by Graham Nash

  1. That reminds me ... I need some!
  2. I might be interested in a small anchor if you have one. 5kg to 7.5kg if you have one. ! can never have enough anchors ....
  3. see ... told you they were good!
  4. Mike, have a look in IN EXCESS at some of their locks. Crazy price and good stuff. Professionals will get past them but they will deter the petty tea leaf.
  5. Mike I have a big old metal tank you are welcome to. I think it has a suzuki connector on it. Full of OLD fuel. I am sure i have a couple of small 5 ltr cans too.
  6. I had exactly the same, admin sorted it for me too. But a year later I was still getting emails about it cos i couldnt remove/edit/cancel the ad!
  7. just give your explorer away and buy a super yacht then Rory
  8. Rugby AM then Man United/Chelsea PM it is then hic
  9. oh .....
  10. Is a nice boat for that money Rory. I hope we are not losing you?
  11. Ssshhhhh it's heading the right direction
  12. so long as you are casting WITH the wind and not against it Colin
  13. This must be an absolute pain in your ..... Rob. I hope it all settles down and you can sit back and admire all your hard work!
  14. probably the same here but pub for Man United/Chelsea instead of the gardening
  15. checking the forecast... its looking even worse than a fortnight ago Is there a plan C??
  16. Excellent post Chris .... similar sentiment to me but rather more eloquently put
  17. debate eh...... These guys are going to get paid irrespective of whether we give them information or not ... our taxes WILL pay for it anyway... why not have some input? (If we don't, we can have no complaints when they make an ill informed decision) Many on here will already know my views on fish health, conservation, catch and keep/release so I personally have no concern about giving information if it will help improve stocks for future generations (even if it means we have to limit our freezers full of dead fish). Many years ago, I was friends with a "doctor", (trust me i'm a doctor ) he was no ordinary doctor but he had a doctorate in FISH!! His job (that we all paid for) was to follow the lifespan and movement of Dace in the river Piddle, and record the expansion or decline of the species and the reasons. He was an immensely interesting chap to share a pint with and I learned masses from him about the life and times of fish. His studies/results did not limit angling activities (in fact it helped the authorities to understand how best to preserve stocks for future angling generations). I point you to the second from last paragraph on the Sea Angling 2012 fact sheet. "Of course, Sea Angling 2012 may demonstrate that recreational activity is having a negligible effect on stocks, and there is no need to seek additional voluntary measures for those stocks. However Defra cannot assume that will be the case, which is why it is important to have data collected as accurately as possible. Well-informed decisions are important for the benefit of all stakeholders". No wine was hurt during the making of this post
  18. Well done and thanks Jim & Dave.
  19. Rob, My reason for driving back from Woking on a Sunday morning is now an "EX" reason, so if you need me I am available. I would probably like to fish the competition too so wouldn't want to be hanging around too long.
  20. I generally drive down from Woking on the Sunday morning so doubt I would be here in time to take the reigns at 7 either Rob. Sorry.
  21. Graham Nash

    Riding High

    That looks awesome Paul. While in Floridal last year I booked a "bass trip" over there. It was $500 for the day and it was "one to one". Unfortunately something else happened which meant I had to cancel and although I saved $500 i quite possibly missed out on a trip of a lifetime.
  22. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-20...t-children.html I know its the Daily Mail but still!
  23. Graham Nash


    As a guide Shane, I have just paid my next year account for a Raider 18 and it is a shade over 2 grand. Unlimited launch/recovery. I think its one of the cheepest locally but is a fair distance from the harbour entrance. Gives plenty of time for the crew to clean her down on the way back in :-)
  24. Graham Nash


    Lots of us have boats in lots of marinas down here shane, Mine (and many others) is at Rockley. Cobbs Quay is another one that many club boats are kept. I just looked on the net to get you some details and there is one that may be of interest to you ... LS Marine. It would seem they are secure and are on an industrial estate not far from Cobbs Quay.
  25. I have just got back from walking the dogs on the seafront and that was DEFINITELY a good shout yesterday Rob. (As it happens my usual crew was not available today but they will be on the 18th )
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