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Manic Moore

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Everything posted by Manic Moore

  1. There looks like a weather window on Wednesday, is there anyone who fancies a run out. Maybe from Poole, a run round to the Sky for a few pollock drifts and possible conger on the slack. If the weather is too lumpy then a few drifts in the swash. What ever suits really. If you have a bigger boat I will crew? Regards Gordon
  2. As Alun put so well "Gordon jumped into Gastronaught to use his superior equipment"
  3. No both from canon 350d but both saved into Microsoft paint which automatically reduced them from 1MB to 200kb and you can see the edges have gone a little ragged but if you see the originals they are excellent
  4. Here's another but I think they have lost some quality as I have shrunk them a bit
  5. Out with Adam on Out of the Blue's maiden launch (he will wax on about that I'm sure ) Managed a couple of better photos with the SLR of Gastonaught drifting for photos in the swash
  6. ooooooowwwwwwwww
  7. And
  8. Next picture
  9. Manic Moore

    Fish Balls

    Not a joke but a true story but funny A man who lives at Lake Conroe (50 miles north of Houston, Texas) saw a ball bouncing around in a strange manner in the lake and went to investigate. It turned out to be a flathead catfish who had obviously tried to swallow a basketball which became stuck in its mouth!! The fish was totally exhausted from trying to dive, but unable to because the ball would always bring him back up to the surface. The man tried numerous times to get the ball out, but was unsuccessful. He finally had his wife cut the ball in order to deflate it and release the hungry catfish. You probably wouldn't have believed this, if you hadn't seen the following pictures...
  10. Manic Moore

    Fish Balls

    Not a joke but a true story but funny
  11. Great catch report
  12. Duncan Did you use some pre set wizards to enhance the photo or are you a wiz on photo shop. The photo is sharper, better colours and less pixels
  13. Just the one that was any good I'm afraid
  14. Just more of the same, 10 minutes of quiet then a couple of doggies, pretty well as it had been from the tide turning. I will remember the day because this was the first day I have been able to use the full power of Enticer and she just purrs along at 25 knots and had a blast of just over 30 although after 28 she starts to skip about a little. I am going to tweak my trim tabs a touch as she also favours the port side a little. Nice to get out, shame about the big tides as I would have been out for a conger session Gordon We have a couple of photos Alun, I will get some new batteries for the camera and post
  15. I can only guess he was stalking that beast for a while.......It must be blind
  16. Whats your plan Alun, are you going to push out to the car park or sit it out in the solent? I could bring Enticer out and join you
  17. Dan You must be suffering from shell shock or PDSD if I was holding a fish that 99% of anglers will only dream of catching, you wouldn't get the smile off my face for a year Bloody brilliant mate, you must feel like a dog with 2 w*llies to clean
  18. Are you after crew Alun?
  19. Is anyone looking to sneak out this weekend? Looks like the wind is dropping but the tides are big! Any cod left? Were there any ?
  20. Crikey Dan thats an absolute zoo animal , my best is just under 5lb Congratulations boy, An Angling Times specimen badge and a new rod on the way then
  21. Manic Moore

    New Store

    Sh*t, I bought mine at the first floor
  22. Found this, well worth a fiver or so to protect your screen http://www.anyscreenprotector.com/default.htm
  23. Hi Are there any kindly members out there that would consider lending me a harness. As you are probably aware I am planning a skate trip in July, and its the one bit of kit I am unlikely to use again. I wonder if someone might have one that doesn't get much use. Rest assured it will be meticulously looked after and I would replace it if it got damaged or lossed. Regards Gordon
  24. Continuing on the economy theme. Etecs claim for one of the most economical engines comes from the amount of fuel it uses at tick over and low revs. So when you are drifting and trolling this adds to the efficiency. When I recently got my engine back from its software update and fuel filter change, they gave me a read out and nearly 50% of the total run time of 58 hours was less than 1000 rpm. It would appear that the long runs like most modern engines are much similar although I think that power to wieght ratio has a huge bearing on this. I think Adam would be the first to admit that the 60 four stroke was slightly underpowered on the 165 and so the additional rpm required to keep up a steady 20 knots would then reduce the fuel efficiency. All interesting stuff
  25. Against the wind but with (accross) the tide there, with the wind and a the tide back on a reasonably flat sea
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