Manic Moore
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Everything posted by Manic Moore
Thanks Reg Its all exciting stuff. I'm dreaming about it already. I'll start polishing my but pad Keep the stories coming. Any past photos or highlights will keep the juices flowing
Just to keep the Etec debate "fueled" When Adam and I went out last weekend to the needles I decided to set the trip. Approx 14 to 16 knots out, 20 to 24 on the way back, a total of 19 nautical miles and used only 12 to 13 litres. Not bad me thinks
Reg What are the timings? Adam and I are contemplating bringing Enticer. Also do you need to bring bait? Any general recomendations on tackle etc. Bearing in mind the average fish caught down here is probably less than 10lb Any considerations for boat equipment. I have been looking at the area (not certain what part you blokes fish) on my blue chart and there are parts that are 700 feet deep Regards Gordon
To be sure it does
Blimey, I don't think my TLD 15 and Conolon 30lb will cope
TOP 8 MORONS OF 2006 You'll love number 8, should be number 1 1. WILL THE REAL DUMMY PLEASE STAND UP? AT&T fired President John Walter after nine months, saying he lacked intellectual leadership. He received a $26 million severance package. Perhaps it's not Walter who's lacking intelligence. 2. WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM OUR FRIENDS: Police in Oakland, CA spent two hours attempting to subdue a gunman who had barricaded himself inside his home. After firing ten tear gas canisters, officers discovered that the man was standing beside them in the police line shouting, "Please come out and give yourself up." 3. WHAT WAS PLAN B??? An Illinois man, pretending to have a gun, kidnapped a motorist and forced him to drive to two different automated teller machines, wherein the kidnapper proceeded to withdraw money from his own bank accounts. 4. THE GETAWAY! A man walked into a Topeka, Kansas Kwik Stop and asked for all the money in the cash drawer. Apparently, the take was too small, so he tied up the store clerk and worked the counter himself for three hours until police showed up and grabbed him. 5. DID I SAY THAT??? Police in Los Angeles had good luck with a robbery suspect who just couldn't control himself during a line-up. When detectives asked each man in the line-up to repeat the words: "Give me all your money or I'll shoot", the man shouted, "that's not what I said!". 6. ARE WE COMMUNICATING??? A man spoke frantically into the phone: "My wife is pregnant and her contractions are only two minutes apart". "Is this her first child?" the doctor asked. "No!" the man shouted, "This is her husband!" 7. NOT THE SHARPEST TOOL IN THE SHED! In Modesto, CA, Steven Richard King was arrested for trying to hold up a Bank of America branch without a weapon. King used a thumb and a finger to simulate a gun. Unfortunately, he failed to keep his hand in his pocket. (hellooooooo)! 8. THE GRAND FINALE!!! Last summer, down on Lake Isabella, located in the high desert, an hour east of Bakersfield, CA, some folks, new to boating, were having a problem. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't get their brand new 22 foot boat, going. It was very sluggish in almost every manoeuvre, no matter how much power they applied. After about an hour of trying to make it go, they put into a nearby marina, thinking someone there may be able to tell them what was wrong. A thorough topside check revealed everything in perfect working condition. The engine ran fine, the out-drive went up and down, and the propeller was the correct size and pitch. So, one of the marina guys jumped in the water to check underneath. He came up choking on water, he was laughing so hard. NOW REMEMBER...THIS IS TRUE. Under the boat, still strapped securely in place, was the trailer!
Well I did it! I booked the 7th to the 14th of July for the skate fishing and it's "Er in doors" birthday on the 10th Top that
Mike Looks like you had a great time. Puts even Florida in the shade for big beach fish. Gordon
I believe I have some where. I will dig them out tomorow and let you know Gordon
Didn't order 2 by mistake?
A RIB with a Bimney top
Nice conger Duncan. One of my favourite species and I've yet to land any decent ones on Enticer yet. Congrats on the PB Gordon
Awesome Fred if you ever need crew...........
On the farm lived a young chicken and a donkey, both of whom loved to > play together. > > One day, the two were playing when the donkey fell into a bog and > began to sink. Scared for his life, the donkey 'hee hawed' for the > young chicken to go get the farmer for help! > > Off the young chicken ran, back to the farm. Arriving at the farm, she searched and searched for the farmer, but to no avail, > > For he had gone to town with the only tractor. > > Running around, the young chicken spied the farmer's new Z-4 silver > BMW. Finding the keys in the ignition, the young chicken started the > beautiful motor car and then sped off with a length of rope, hoping > she still had time to save her friend's life. > > Back at the bog, the donkey was surprised, but happy, to see the young chicken arrive in the shiny BMW, and he managed to get a hold of the > loop of rope the young chicken tossed to him. > > After tying the other end to the rear bumper of the farmer's car, the > young chicken then drove slowly forward and, with the aid of the > powerful car, rescued the donkey! > > Happy and proud, the young chicken drove the BMW back to the > farmhouse, and the farmer was none the wiser when he returned. > > The friendship between the two animals was cemented: best buddies, > best pals! > > A few weeks later, would you believe, the young chicken fell into a > mud pit, and soon, she too, began to sink and cried out to the donkey > to save her life! > > The donkey thought a moment, walked over, and straddled the large > puddle. > > Looking underneath, he told the young chicken to grab his tool and > he would then lift her out of the pit. > > The young chicken got a good grip, and the donkey pulled her up and > out, saving her life. > > The moral of the story? > > > When you're hung like a donkey, you don't need a BMW to pick up a > chick.
Think about Gordon Holt. He has just incured a major bill for corrosion damage. All engines will respond to the right treatment but ther are a number of points 1. 2 stroke technology has been around for many years so the general engineering is a proven salt water tool. Like all engine technology the sweetness of running will be down to fuel management. 2. 4 Stroke is a reletive new technology for outboards and is early days yet. But even now there are a few stories about carburetor models not playing the game. Again the modern injection models run like a dream. 3. Gordon's corrosion problem is not uncommon, I have heard a few stories of a similar nature. 4. When all the debate is finished, the reality is, if a 4 stroke and a 2 stroke went in for an engine rebuild, the 4 stroke is going to be far more expensive because the labour costs are so high due to the number of parts and skill levels required to rebuild them I stand with Paul D. With the new fuel management systems on the modern 2 stroke its a no brainer Gordon M
Mikey, You will need to disconect both ends, lift one and tie up higher than the other end. Tape some polythene around the top of the outer cable and fill with WD40. Allow it to soak down the cable and start working it. As the dried grease starts to wash out it will get easier to move. Once it is free, put some oil in your plastic funnel you made for the WD40 and allow that to work down the cable. Providing you have no strands broken, it will be as right as rain. I believe petrol will go off after a few months and will start to gum up the engine so I would reccommend getting rid of the old stuff and put in just enough to run her up. Gordon
I guess its a time for me to look back on as well. Crewing on 2 of those occasions you mentioned. And I pretty well did my boat fishing apprentership on blue warrior ( with some help on Neo ) and certainly motivated the purchase of Enticer. Lets hope its gone to a good home Gordon
After that discusting old t@rt that has been on the TV news lately I guess a few of these are in order Q. What's the difference between a chav and a coconut? A. one's thick and hairy, the other's a coconut. Q. Two chavs jump off a cliff, who wins? A. Society. Q. What does a chav girl use as protection during sex? A. Bus shelter. Q. What do you call a 30 year old chav girl? A. Gran. Q. What do you call a chav in a box? A. Innit. Q. What do you call a chav in a filing cabinet? A. Sorted. Q. What do you call a chav in a suit A. "the defendant" Q. Why did the chav cross the road? A. To start a fight with a complete stranger for no reason what so ever. Q. What do you call a chav girl in a white tracksuit? A. The bride. Q. If you're driving and see a chav on a bike why should you try not to hit him? A. It might be your bike. Q. What's the first question during a chav quiz night? A. What you looking at. Q. Why are chavs like slinkey's? A. They have no real use but it's great to watch one fall down a flight of stairs Q. Two chavs in a car without any music, who's driving? A. The policeman! Q. How do you get a hundred chavs in a phonebox? A. Paint 3 stripes on it. Q. What do you call a hundred chavs at the bottom of the river? A. A good start. Q. Where do you take a chav girl for a decent night out? A. Up the ar*e. Q. Why is 3 chavs going over a cliff in a nova a shame? A. Because a nova has 4 seats. Q. What do you call a chav with 9 gcse's? A. A liar. Q. What do you say to a chav with a job? A. Bigmac please. Q. What's the differemce between a chav boy and a chav girl? A. A chav girl has a higher sperm count.
The Rambo Granny of Melbourne , Australia Gun-toting granny Ava Estelle, 81, was so ticked-off when two thugs raped her 18-year-old granddaughter that she tracked the unsuspecting ex-cons down - - and shot off their testicles. The old lady spent a week hunting those men down -- and when she found them, she took revenge on them in her own special way, said Melbourne police investigator Evan Delp. Then she took a taxi to the nearest police station, laid the gun on the sergeant's desk and told him as calm as could be: 'Those bastards will never rape anybody again, by God.' Cops say convicted rapist and robber Davis Fur th, 3 3, lost both h is penis and his testicles when outraged Ava opened fire with a 9-mm pistol in the hotel room where he and former prison cell mate Stanley Thomas, 29, were holed up. The wrinkled avenger also blew Thomas' testicles to kingdom come, but doctors managed to save his mangled penis, police said. The one guy, Thomas, didn't lose his manhood, but the doctor I talked to said he won't be using it the way he used to, Detective Delp told reporters. Both men are still in pretty bad shape, but I think they're just happy to be alive after what they've been through. The Rambo Granny swung into action August 21 after her granddaughter Debbie was carjacked and raped in broad daylight by two knife-wielding creeps in a section of town bordering on skid row. "When I saw the look on my Debbie's face that night in the hospital, I decided I was going to go out and get those bastards myself 'cause I figur ed the Law wo uld go easy on them," recalled the retired library worker. "And I wasn't scared of them, either-- because I've got me a gun and I've been shooting' all my life. And I wasn't dumb enough to turn it in when the law changed about owning one" So, using a police artist's sketch of the suspects and Debbie's description of the sickos', tough-as-nails Ava spent seven days prowling the wino-infested neighborhood where the crime took place till she spotted the ill fated rapists entering their flophouse hotel. I knew it was them the minute I saw 'em, but I shot a picture of 'em anyway and took it back to Debbie and she said sure as hell, it was them, the oldster recalled. So I went back to that hotel and found their room and knocked on the door and the minute the big one, , opened the door, I shot 'em right square between the legs, right where it would really hurt 'em most, you know. Then I went in and shot the other one as he backed up pleading to me to spare him. Then I went down to the police station an d turned myself in. Now, baffled lawmen are trying to figure out exactly how to deal with the vigilante granny. What she did was wrong, and she broke the law, but it is difficult to throw an 81-year-old woman in prison, Det. Delp said, especially when 3 million people in the city want to nominate her for Mayor. DEPORT HER TO CANADA? NO FEAR - WE NEED HER !! Now she is what I call a real celebrity
Are you off to some bronze whale shark fishing Mike? envy, jealous not fair .........