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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

Manic Moore

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Everything posted by Manic Moore

  1. I liked the Etec before I even had one, the looks, power, economy and the modern injection and engine management system. Today I had my first slight problem. It started a couple of trips ago when I went to close the throttle down and although the revs died down the lever felt tight and seemed like it was catching somewhere inside the control. The strange thing was that if I turned the key off the contol moved back to its position, free as normal? It happened a couple of times that day but it was booked in for its software upgrade the following week so I thought they would sort it. In the mean time I opened the control box to find there had been a wire had been catching as it had a noticable kink in it. I pushed the wire back and made a note to tell them at L&J. At the service they said they had not found anything wrong. At the time I thought that may be because I had tucked the wire back they couldn't see any problems. No issues on the next trip which was the Club Open. Today, was a different story, after pulling up a couple of miles off Christchurch to set the plotter to a more local mark, I couldn't even get the engine to rev. So down went the anchor, quick phone call to Adam as I knew he would be launching soon, then decided quickly open up the control box while I was waiting and hey presto the wire that had "nothing wrong" was virtualy severed. Well I keep a few bits and pieces on the boat and quickly had a new conection on and with the now shorter wire fitted better than the old one. It didn't work! Well I thought before I call Adam for a tow one more look at the engine end of the throttle as this now seemed the only place it could be. And there it was, part of the throttle linkage was sticking and I guess because of the safety features in the control box and the engine management sytem it wouldn't allow the engine to rev because the linkage was in the wrong place. Well I tell you, you can't keep a good bodger down, one well placed elastic band (from Mike's tackle box) and
  2. Nice one Paul, they are becoming a special fish these days, from around these parts anyway. His brother didn't hang about though as we just hauled in the pout and dogs all day. The original plan was to push out to a wreck or the car park but the nasty swell and a spot of bother with the Etec put paid to that. It was great to get out though at last. I need to wangle some days off now to take advantage of the current weather window
  3. Who's tempted by the comp on Sunday? The weather window is looking quite promising and I am half thinking, would I get out to a wreck Anyone want to crew or is anyone looking for crew. If we go for the comp then I could do with someone who knows something about flounder fishing
  4. Gordon As you know I am one of the increasing number of etec fans. When Paul D was looking foe a new engine there was much debate over the pros and cons of 4stroke v modern 2 stroke (high pressure computer controlled injection). My reasoning at the time was, not to much difference in performance, economy even sound but your problem now is probably the one reason that I feel the Etec wins hands down, when they do go wrong, the extra moving parts and complexity of the 4 stroke means bigger bills. Sorry, this dosn't help your problems now but just might alter your views on the a replacement if it comes to it. Hope your bill is not to heavy Good luck Gordon
  5. Yes many thanks for all the hard work for all those involved. It can be a thankless task at times. I hope you were all motivated by the excelent turnout and how seamless the day ran. Thanks again Gordon
  6. Pike looks in great condition, beautiful colours. My best Perch was a stonking 4lb12oz from Cadmans Pool in the forest. A bit of a bonus fish while fishing single red pinkie on a pole . Mind you I think I still hold the club record for Ringwood angling club. The only dissapointing part was that Cadmans Pool is very coloured so the Perch's colouring was almost non existant. A great scrap anyway
  7. Yes I just picked that up. All my plans gone to pot
  8. I understand that the update just alters the fuel mix under certain conditions that they found wasn't ideal and also they change the filter as part of the update.
  9. Well i've fitted my trim tabs and they performed really well on Sunday. Although you still feel that clenching sensation when you start drilling more holes in the transom. But I have to say, study the instructions well and it turned out to be a fairly simple job that only took an hour or so from start to finish. Took the boat to L&J marine today for a software update and a fuel filter change, all part of the 3 year warrentee. On reflection of todays visit, very nice people, polite and helpful and a fantastic read out that tells you everything that has gone on since the engine was new. It even tells you how many hours per 11 different rev ranges. Picture below of Enticer's rear for those thinking of trim tabs Oh roll on Sunday
  10. And only 1 of 3 went home for the pot for us on Sunday
  11. Manic Moore

    Which Boot?

    Just for a new dimention Bob, my neo waders have felt soles and they are excelent for grip. I also find that when I have kept my waders on, my feet have been warm enough. I think a key point is to ensure you have enough room to wear 2 or 3 pairs of thin socks and not have the boots too tight so as to slow down the circulation of blood. (or what ever travels through your veins ) Gordon
  12. Perhaps we could bring back stoning Who said Jehovah
  13. I am thinking about a day wrecking on Saturday, maybe some drifting for any rogue bass and anchor down on the slack for one or two eels. Anyone fancy crewing?
  14. Sounds similar to Alun and I. We left Mudeford about 7.30 and went to xray to and got 1 or 2 doggies, moved onto the clan where we met Paul J and although we maxed our doggies that was about the limit so after an hour sped out to a bigger wreck a few miles further out and just as well. First drift, double hook up, 6lb bass on large hock eyes and a 7lber to me on a shad, after that only pout so we anchored up and over the next few hours managed scad, whiting, poor cod, tope, another cracking bass to Alun of 8lb 6oz and about 20 stone of lsds. A busy and lovely day in the sun, good company with AJ and Entiser continues to pur along. Isn't fishing just great
  15. Not sure if I have the right part of the forum but just to let all that need to know Gordon Moore & Alun J out of Mudeford at 7.00am tomorrow
  16. 10 for me as well Kam Thanks Gordon
  17. How does it come and how much
  18. I'm getting a complex now
  19. Got my new licence through and my MMSI number is 235013969
  20. Come on lads don't be shy I can't do the comps on my own. I promise to not to catch all the fish (it would be a first before anyone esle replys ) There is always bacon rolls on Enticer
  21. Rich, I'll take the reel if its not gone Gordon
  22. Its not the 48 hour comp Rich
  23. It looks like there may be a window in the weather (at last) for the species comp. I will be looking for crew if anyone fancies a day out. I suspect the best prospect may be weymouth as a few of the summer species may still be lurking about. So any experts on the weymouth marks will be particulaly welcome I shall also be looking for crew for the Open if anyone is lstill ooking for a boat. Gordon
  24. I was thinking about a trip to Weymouth to stock up on Macky for the winter and maybe a few skate and possibly a dry run for the species comp
  25. This one by far my best Ray
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