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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

Manic Moore

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Everything posted by Manic Moore

  1. My mate Shaun met me at Kimmeridge at 7.30 where I met Andy and crew of Lady Jane Who kindly pointed out where to find the mackeral, then we headed out about 7 miles and found a bank to fish the bottom of and were soon into fish. A blond (I think) about 7lb 12oz and Shaun picking up Tope. Then a great battle for me with a 19lb 8oz beauty (blond I guess). It then went pretty quiet and after a couple of moves I sweaked an undulate of about 5lb and shaun's tally was Tope, conger and a few LSDs. A great day on Entiser who performed impecibly and SAFELY retrieved at Kimeridge at 5.
  2. As we say on the stage old boy "break a leg"
  3. Sorry Adam, can't make the Burnham comp as I'm out of the country for a few days. Kam, sorry mate, hope you can find another crew place for next week
  4. Enticer will be out Sunday for the comp, launching from Kimmeridge with a friend, Shaun, coming up from Cornwall.
  5. Well here is my 2nd double of the season and didn't it go on the light spinning rod. A bit more than 20 yards of line but still had to get Adam to chase it up tide as I was well into the backing. Took a while to recover but 4 or 5 minutes in the landing net and holding her upright saw her swim strongly away. My best of 3 on the day Picture attached. I would say on the occasion that the tool would blame the worker, good camera dodgy photographer
  6. It is the club flat fish / ray comp, but that does not stop you fishing from Weymouth as there are some good ray grounds in that area
  7. Just to clarify to anyone who had contemplated joining me for crew! Kimmeridge is easy to get to and no issues with the roads, if anything they are fairly quiet now. Launch area is a little steep but not had a problem retrieving yet, as I have launched my previous boat on 5 or 6 occasions and in a brisk South Westlerly. The swell problems, ( advice from a local fisherman ) is from brisk off shore breeze coupled with strong tides. It seems to hold back the water to create larger breakers. This is a similer Phenomenon to the one Adam and I experienced at Christchurch when we watched a boat vertually capsize. I believe that the incedent that Adam and Bob experienced was one that none of us would like to repeat but in hindsite I believe they took the wrong decision to try retrieve in those conditions and should have called the coast guard for advice. Anyway, off my soap box If anyone would like to crew they are welcome and safe
  8. I will be looking for crew next Sunday and I am thinking about going to one of the banks off Lulworth, does anyone know what time Kimeridge opens the gates as I heard that you couldn't launch until 8.00? James, you fish there quite frequently, have you any idea?
  9. Happy Birthday, how was the fishing?
  10. Kam, you are fishing on the best Warrior 165 in the club
  11. Mike, is that shark fishing on the skeleton coast?
  12. Enticer will be there and I'll be looking for crew
  13. Thanks Brian, crew confirmed but we won't be out till about 8 ish from Christchurch on Enticer Are you Figment?
  14. Brian Enticer will be out on Tuesday from Christchurch on the ledge and possibly some wrecking if the weather / tides permitting. Are you fully crewed? My crew cannot confirm untill this afternoon! Gordon
  15. Etec updates?
  16. Ive got Tuesday off and am looking to do some bass fishing off the ledge and possibley have a go at anchoring up on a local wreck if the tides are not too strong. I have a friend who wants to go but can't get a difinitive answer untill Monday PM. If anyone fancies being first reserve at late notice. Anyone one else wants to buddy they are welcome. Forcast is the wind picking up again after Wednesday
  17. Terry, Whats the situation with the BB. Do you have enough for a sale? Can I send you money?
  18. Unfortunately the window closes tomorrow and we are back up to 4 - 6s
  19. There looks to be a small window in the weather this evening. Anyone fancy an evening trip launch about 6 ish, maybe a few drifts for bass and if the weather stays calmish then have another go for the conger?
  20. Thanks Paul
  21. Paul Have you got more details eg phone number or web address? Regards Gordon
  22. Did you blokes go out, what was the weather like and most important, how was the fishing
  23. Congratulations Alun, If you love it as much as I love my new toy then you will have to convince the FPO that your not having an affair. Looking longingly out the window at her, running your hand along her when you walk past, smiling for no apparent reason.
  24. Sorry you were right my water is going clockwise
  25. Didn't get any takers for crew, I'll have to check my deoderant But I was was determined to take the new love of my life out.......Enticer! Launch at 6.30 and decided to check ot the newly installed bilge pump and live bait tank, both worked perfectlyand with a lovely anti clock wise flow Got plenty of live bait and decided to drift for a while on the ledge but got board afer half an hour, I'm all bassed out so as the weather was so nice decided to push out and try one or two wrecks. Within 5 minutes of the first bait going down and the only bite on cuttle all day, 8lb tope. Lovely scrap and so it continued so I scaled down to a 12lb class rod untill the tide turned and eventually I had to go back to the conger gear and they never showed all day. Although I have to say that it is going to take another couple of trips to get the accuracy I am used to with Adam when anchoring marks. I missed both wreck despite having a couple of goes. Final tally for the day 3 small bass 2 to 3lb and about 20 tope. I think Enticer must be a lucky boat as I left my lucky hat on Pauls boat I just love fishing
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